Fruit shakes, smoothies, fresh fruit for breakfast, afternoon snacks, fruit is part of life on Koh Phangan!
But what season is right for each one? With the introduction of import and larger supermarkets to the island it is easier to get fruit all year round now but buy local and support the Phangan people and know when fruit is in season for better results in terms of health benefits and freshness.
Here are some of your most popular fruits and the correct times of when they are in season…
Click on their names for more information and health benefits
We’re really spoilt here in Thailand, bananas are available all year round. Apart from the smaller khai banana which is in season from August to November.

Young Coconuts
Lots - March to September & December to July
Average - January to February & August
If you want the best fresh coconut water then you’re in luck for most of the year, for only three months at the beginning is there just an average harvest, the rest of the time they are abundant.
Dragon Fruit
Lots - May to August
Average - Rest of the year
Our crazy looking pink friends are at their best during the warmer months, here at Phanganist HQ we have dragonfruit plants and can assure you that they have the best taste when they are fresh off the tree!
August to October
As we are in the South, Koh Phangan gets a slightly later harvest of durian, the smelly stinky fruit. You either love it or hate it.

January to August
Jackfruit is a delicious fruit, almost with the taste and texture of those chewy sweets you may of had as a kid but natural and healthier! It can be used in savoury dishes as a meat substitute as well.
January to June & November to December
It’s surprising to discover that some of Thailand’s favourite fruits are not available all year round so this is something to look out for. As you can see, the juicy typically tropical is one of them.
August to October
Mongosteens are delicious! With their plum coloured thick skin giving way to a fleshy segmented centre, reap the rewards of the fruit for the couple of months a year that you can!

January to June & October to December
Papaya has many health benefits which you can read about here and one of Phangan’s most popular dishes ‘Som Tam’ papaya salad will help you enjoy it even more.
Lots - June to August & November to December
Average - Rest of the year
Ever seen a pineapple grow? It’s quite a surprise when you see it for the first time. They come from the ground when lots of people imagine them from trees. Luckily for us they are available all year round but better during the months stated.

April to October
These prickly looking things are actually soft, a bit like lychees, rambutans contain lots of iron, help your skin and help boost your body's immunity.
Lots - February to April & July to September
Average - Rest of the year
Watermelons are delicious and very hydrating, perfect cold from the fridge on a hot day. Although available all year round, try getting them when they are in their peak months for the best flavour!