This delicious local fruit is very good for us all, Phanganist did a bit of research to find out and share with you exactly why.
Rambutans are highly rich in iron. Iron is not only beneficial, but essential for the human body to function. Deficiency of iron can cause illnesses like anemia which leads to severe fatigue and dizziness which non of us want being on this party island.

They also help decrease unwanted fat. Rambutans are highly effective in lessening the body fat content of the human body. This is because the fruit is high in fiber and, at the same, low on calories. Moreover, it has high water content. Due to this, it decreases hunger episodes significantly. The seeds also help in weight reduction. In order to eat rambutan seeds, it is advised to crush them and take them mixed with other foodstuff. Alternatively, they can be consumed raw as well.
The skin of the rambutan fruit can be used to treat dysentery which is an infection of the intestines. It can also be used to cure other chronic ailments like chronic fever. Some people also combine the fruits with other ingredients which greatly increases its efficiency in curing such ailments.
The fruit is rich in carbohydrate and protein content which helps give an instant energy boost when consumed (good for after a long night of dancing). The high water content of the fruit also helps quench the thirst and bring back lost energy. It is highly suitable people who play sport and also those who do not.

Of the many nutrients the fruit contains, it contains copper which is vital for the production of red and white blood cells in our body. The fruit also contains manganese which is essential for our body for the production of enzymes and their activation. Enzymes are necessary for carry out many functions in our body.
Another benefit of this fruit is that it helps in strengthening our bones. This is due to the fact that the fruit is rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron. Healthier bones lead to stable growth and reduced chances of fractures and other bone diseases.
Rambutan is very good for your skin. It helps in hydrating your skin and making it soft and supple like you always wanted. This is due to the high water content that the fruit holds. The water helps in the hydration so we can all look young forever!
They Help in boosting immunity and preventing diseases, they have a high vitamin C content. Technically speaking. The major benefit of vitamin C is that it provides increased immunity from infections (by helping strengthen our body’s defense mechanism). It serves as anti-oxidant, prevents cell damage and helps prevent diseases like scurvy. Vitamin C in Rambutan also helps in the absorption of minerals, iron and copper. Moreover, it protects the body from getting damaged from free radicals.
One of many compounds included in the skin of rambutan is Gallic acid. This particular substance behaves as a predator for free-radicals. The way it does this is by protecting the body from damage due to oxidation.

Another highly beneficial function of this amazing fruit is that it assists in removing waste from our kidneys. This is done with the help of the phosphorus present in rambutan fruit. The phosphorus is also essential for the development, repair, and maintenance of tissues and body cells.
Rambutan is also good for treating common illnesses like headache, thrush and, as mentioned before, dysentery. In order to relieve headaches (again maybe after a big night out), the leaves of the trees can be applied on the forehead as a paste . This process is supposed to calm the nerves and reduce the headache. An amalgamate of the bark of the tree can be used to treat thrush. A similar preparation of the roots of the tree can be used to treat fever. So, all in all, not just the fruits but every part of the rambutan tree is beneficial to us in some way or the other.

The seeds of the rambutan fruit hold their own importance. When ingested, they can relieve the pain felt by diabetic patients, especially ones suffering from a specific condition known as ‘diabetes mellitus’.
Rambutan helps in a huge way improving the health of your hair. A paste made from the leaves of trees is has been known to known to provide nutrition to the hair. This paste is made by taking some rambutan leaves, mashing them, adding some water and squeezing the extract. Many people experience a noticeable change in their hair quality in just a few weeks.
Rambutan fruit can be anti cancerous. This is not very well known, but a study carried out by University Kebangsaan Malaysia on ‘Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities of Non-Edible Parts of Selected Tropical Fruits’ found out that rambutan can be effective against cancer. The skin and seeds and deeds of the fruit have been proved to be effective against different kinds of cancer.
Now we will show you how to, and how not to eat Rambutan!

Firstly you need to remove the skin so that you are left with the fleshy white edible fruit from inside.

This is the part you should eat but be careful of the seed inside

The way not to eat Rambutan fruit....

Is like this....

You're mouth won't like it much because of the spikes (which are kind of soft but still uncomfortable!).
As you can see, we eat quite a few Rambutans here at Phanganist HQ, they are especially nice with yogurt in the morning, so hopefully you will enjoy them too!