If you’re a regular reader of Phanganist then you’ll know that one of our signature questions when interviewing is ‘what is your life philosophy?’ a nice sweet thing to show what people live by.
Recently we have been switching it up a bit depending on what the person does so we thought we would bring you a selection of some of the ‘music philosophies’ from Djs and Musicians we’ve had the pleasure to meet.
If you’re a budding musician or want to break the dj scene then get your inspiration here from some of Koh Phangan and global’s finest...
Click on their name for more info!
Vocalist ANKI
My philosophy with music is, I try not to sing about crap and I try to have a deeper meaning to my songs and lyrics.Something that really speaks to you if you listen carefully.
How I project with my voice, touching people on a different level, so it’s not just seen as a ‘cool song’ or ‘nice beat’. It all has to come together, tell a story and draw you in.
Music is a very powerful tool and you can speak to people and have a big influence on the way they think or react.
I always try to have a positive message, light, love, beauty and freedom. When I was younger I used to sing about break ups, being depressed and all the problems in the world, until all these things really started to manifest in my life and I realised how powerful your words really are.
So I changed it, and now everything I put out in the Universe I do it consciously and with great care. After all we are what we think of.

DJ Trent Cantrelle
Originate, never imitate.
DJ Scotty
For me it’s all about having fun, this why I still like all kinds of electronic music which is of quality.
So music is my life.
Jesus from Jesus and the Russian Mafia
Live in the moment.

DJ Christian Burkhardt
Be real, don't take yourself and the music business too serious.
Have fun, enjoy life in the moment and do your own musical style, don’t be a copycat.
DJ Salzer Solo
Music is the key, music is the answer.
Drummer Hudstin
To be a professional musician the first and most important thing thing is genuine love for music and this comes by listening to a lot of music and learning to appreciate different styles of music, this will help you grow as a seasoned musician and eventually help you build your own unique style at whatever instrument you play.
It's a tough life being a musician, but do it for the love and it will take you places.
DJ Christ Burstein
To contemplate the impermanence of the party.
People go there just to enjoy the time and not to think about it tomorrow so they give themselves 100%, this is why I want to deliver a journey.
Good music without a context doesn’t make any sense so you need to write it in a smart way.
Look front, get out of your head, look to the people and connect to the people.

Beatboxer Contrix
Keep positive and do what you wanna do.
If something bad happens try to see it as a learning curve rather than thinking of the negative part. I came here and crashed a bike, it wasn’t that bad but maybe if I hadn’t of done the I would of wanted to get a superbike and would’ve crashed that!
I looked at where I went wrong and learnt from that. Never give up!

DJ Randy Seidman
It's all about the journey.
DJ Dimo
I truly try to understand my music and what music does. Being flexible and being able to read the mood of the audience and react to it, whether it is a warm, peak-time or after hour set.
Besides that it’s all about passion, if you love what you do and put your feelings in it, good things will come out.
DJ Note
Just keep doing what you love, if you keep doing what you love then it can be done.

DJ Rinaneko
Music is my self, my spirit. When I dj I try to not think anything, I play with my feeling and I show my spirit and share this with people.
I need music, I need dance, I learn many things from music and dance, really important things.
I have many, many things that I want to share, to share myself.
DJ Kuma