I have been interested in music for as long as I can remember. Growing up listening to artist like The Doors, Pink Floyd, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Paradise Lost... I slowly developed my taste in music and came in contact with electronic dance music around the age of 16. Attending big techno parties and seeing DJ behind the decks and the energy they send out I knew this was something I wanted to do, and from then on it became a big part of my life!
My journey started out as a techno DJ, during that time I mastered the skills that were needed to be a DJ. Everything was still vinyl at that time and I remember my first decks to be the kind that drives the spinning plate with an elastic band, which made it very difficult to keep everything beat matched. After three years of playing raw pounding techno at established parties and playing beside artists like DJ Rush, Claude Young and Marco Bailey my taste in music was changing and I went looking for new horizons! I found the answers I was looking for in the more psychedelic and progressive scene to which I was introduced at the end of 2001.
Nowadays my DJ -bag is stashed with a wide selection of music, ranging in styles going from tech/deep house, minimal, progressive house to psychedelic progressive: the art to me is playing the right track at the right time and keeping everything interesting by adding effects and loops to the tracks you’re playing.
I play with the laptop now, and I do this because for me now the possibilities for creativity are endless and having done also some production work my sets are now a kind of semi live, what I mean by that is that I don’t play my own music (except for a couple a tracks here and there) but I do try to make tracks different on the fly by playing them loop based, cutting out parts and adding extra samples and effects, which gives me a lot of freedom for creativity right there and then on the spot.
"I came for the first time to the magical Island in 2008, when I was invited to play on the very first Experience New Year festival on Koh Tao Island. I was only in Thailand for 3 weeks (way too short) but my love for the place was founded right there and then. Within 2 months of returning home I had booked my ticket for my second visit. This time I came back for 3 months! The following year, 2010, I also stayed 3 months. Unfortunately last year I couldn't make it, but this year I was very pleased to be able to come back to my “second home” on Earth."

Originally invited to Thailand by DJ Apnea, who he knew from the scene back home in Belgium, DJ R'Deem has had the pleasure of being in contact with the 'Magic Phangan family' as he calls them from day one - with the associated honour of playing as 'sort of a resident' for them when he is here on the island. He tells us, "The first year I played two times at Ban Sabaii, which is for me the best place in the world to play, not just because of the fabulous atmosphere this little place creates but also because, for some reason, I play here my best sets that I ever played so, for me, there is some kind of magic in the air at Ban Sabaii."

Back at the 'Home of Happy People' as resident on his second visit, more gigs started to come his way. Producing at that time under the Band Name Loop Generation, he was was one of the live acts for the Experience Festival and was also invited to play a Loop Generation live set at the Blackmoon festival. He followed this up with DJ gigs at Black Moon, Shiva Moon and Jungle Experience (still a psychedelic trance party at the time).
The Sramanora Waterfall party was just starting out that year and he was also invited to play a set there. "Playing also progressive / tech and deep house I was of course more than willing to oblige!" says Roscoe, "Each year I visit the island, I am booked on more or less all the line ups of the family, for which I’m very honoured!" And this year the Experience Festival, Ban Sabaii and Blackmoon were again on the list.
When asked what is the best thing he's ever been involved, the answer is easy for him: Coming to Koh Phangan and being treated as part of a family. Ask him to classify his music and the answer is not so easy! He explains, "First of all, I do play a couple of different genres so each genre has its own kind of energy and atmosphere. The main genre I play when I visit the Island is of course the psychedelic progressive, which is also my ultimate favourite genre!
When I play this genre I would classify it as a pumping, driving, progressing psychedelic journey where heavy bass lines meet melodic euphoria."
"I get most of my inspiration from the people I meet or places I go. It’s the energy I absorb that drives me to newer levels and the necessary life lessons. It can be anyone anywhere, for me it’s all about the emotions it creates. 
Places like Koh Phangan and the nice people here for instance are a big inspiration for me.It always feels so good to come here and when I go back home I’m refreshed and ready to take on the world… ;)
An IT consultant in his everyday professional life in Belgium, by night R'Deem has always been busy and involved with music. "I used to have my own party organization called Purple Snow Productions that I ran for 7 years, bringing artists such as Ace Ventura, Neelix, Symphonix, D-nox & Beckers and Ticon to Belgium for the first time."
The parties, he tells us, were more of an altruistic thing than a money making venture and at some point that became a hard way of living. In an attempt to hold on to his own peace he decided to 'put them on hold'. Other than that there are different possibilities in front of him: "For sure building further on the DJ act and trying to go as far as that road takes me!" - he's currently working on a new act with twisted deep house - "and maybe going back to the studio or perhaps doing some parties again myself. Only tomorrow can tell, for now I'm taking it easy and see what comes my way."
Gigs for 2013 are starting to look good, and he seems more than content with the way things are unfolding for him. In the hopes and dreams department, seeing the world, "meeting people and making them happy with playing music" sounds like a good start to DJ R'Deem.
So what does he bring to the scene that isn't already here? "Hmmm, a difficult question, I think that is more a question for the listener and people in front of me. Because without them I’m nothing. I come to please and so far I think I’m doing an alright job."
When we ask where he sees himself in the future, if he'll still be playing Koh Phangan 10yrs from now? his answer is poetically mindful: "I can only hope to still be doing that. And where do I see myself then? I have no idea, and I also don’t want to know… As the quote goes yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, that’s why it’s called “the present” . My philosophy is living from day to day and whatever needs to cross my path will cross my path. No expectations!"
I have these 10 rules I put as my desktop background image which more or less sum up my vision of a good life philosophy… so I will quote them here as my own, because I do try to live by them:
1. Do What you love, and do it often. If you don’t like something, change it. If you don’t like your job, quit.
2. If you don’t have enough time, stop watching tv.
3. If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; They'll be waiting for you when you start doing things you love
4. Stop over analyzing, life is simple, All emotions are beautiful.
5. When you eat, appreciate every last bite
6. Open your mind, arms and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.
7. Ask the next person you see what their passion is and share your inspiring dream with them.
8.Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself.
9. Some opportunities only come once, seize them.
10.Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them. So go out and start creating. Life is short, live your dream and wear your passion.
With these beautiful thoughts Phanganist Greets Mr. R'Deem and Wishes him Good Luck with everything!
Thank you for your Time - Wise Words & Thoughts!