New years evening and night in Hadrin!!
Phanganist proudly present Miss Berkowitz REPORTING from the New Year on the Famous Full moon Beach !!
Sheila Berkowitz, Phanganist reporter at the Full moon Party beach.
Body Art by The Alien siSTARS!
Meeting with and Chatting up young happy travelers who all came to celebrate the 2014 New Year on Koh Phangan.
The Hadrin Bounty like paradise beach turns for the night into an inferno of music, people, UV paint, buckets bars, fire dancers, jugglers, dancers and every tourist available on the island!

From one end to the other of the long beach, DJs are banging music out of big speakers and out on the beach.
For every bar a different style!
Happy people painted in screaming UV colors dancing to the beats of Paradise while drinking from buckets and howling at the Moon. AaaauuUUoooOO
This was the 2014 NEW YEAR NIGHT ! Here all the Magic came true!
Bars and restaurants all over the bouncing beach were all happy to invite you in - if you are not already dancing on the beach!
1 Day before New Year's Eve Haadrin beach hosted the annual Bikini Contest - Miss Haad Rin 2014. This event is organized by Haadrin Business Association and was produced by Dani V.
Watch the contest video...
Created with their special out of Earth Paint designed to attract any forms of Freak energies, alien OR human!!

The Body Painter Artists – The Alien Sistars, explain that when body painting they are actually transferring positive alien data into the skin of human beings.
Their art was a force to be reckoned with that night, attracting all manner of fun, bringing people to our camera as the body art beckoned them over.
It was exactly what people would call an “art jam” – collaborative, fun and engaging!
We were laughing all the way as the SiSTARS turned our reporter from a human to an alien… drawing out” parts that were hidden, so an alter ego (the alien in us all) was able to be unleashed.
Normal behavior got replaced - pure spontaneity took over, responding to people who loved the body art, and dancing deep into the darkest hour of the New Year Night !!

The new alien super powers made us feel differently walking through the crowd.
Everyone was mesmerized by the unearthly art … a disappearing of the human “self” into the collective consciousness – especially on the dance floor… !!
This tends to happen anyway if you’re really into the beats (music gives you super powers too!) but here it was so “much more” .
We were naturally tuned into what people felt or did around us.

We contact danced the whole night, as a result… everyone was taking photos, touching the glitter and mirrored pieces super glued onto our special paint materials, communicating with us fully…
Phanganist here hoping we all learned a small lesson in Peace & Love AGAIN and that the next era of Earth will be one that we all as humans can be more proud of .... Lets Love .. together ))
Woooops another Roundabout just flew by!
Did you notice?
Feels like time is Flying!
Remember the Last New Year Week 2013 ?? WE DO ))