Re:Earth After Party at Charm Beach


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No Date Available

Koh Phangan

re earth festival party phangan koh tao naq pablo electro tech houseCharm Beach Resort is proud to present the official Re:Earth Koh Phangan afterparty.

Re:Earth Festival was just kicking off in Koh Samui and was well visited by many Phangan Lovers and Performers, such as DJ NAQ & Pablo Escobud among many many others!

With 3 stages and a DJ Line-up that went from Friday to Sunday they Electro-Boggied the Festival into an Electro Ecstasy - and now with the After Party they will Ride the waves of the Left overs!

Artists, volunteers and the whole gang will gather again.

This time on Phangan’s ground to let out the over flowing steam together after a well done Re:Earthing on Samui in the weekend!
Another Dance with Re:Earth and this time with the spectacular people of Phangan!
The Re:Earth Festival is relevant every year on Koh Samui and thousands of contenders and an international selection of headliners are every time a part of making this party a success.

This is a party with an attitude and a purpose besides entertaining us!
You are super welcome to read more about the festival.

Join the Re-Earthlings & and be a part of the Gaya Consideration!

From Star Trek you have The United Federation of Planets . Today we still only have the Gaya Considerations - but Phanganist truly believe that we can, with some efforts, one day be considered for The United Federation of Planets.

For this, we just need to prove that we can take care of our own planet as the first and basic beginning!

Good Luck & Love Re:Earthlings!
A musical Solution to Earths Revolution!

re earth festival party phangan electro tech house