We see a lot while we are out, it’s our job to make parties. Occasionally we would like to offer something more then trap and fluff to you guys. If I’m lucky enough to have a platform I should use it for something constructive. Everyone here is a functioning adult or at least can play the part. We are on a party island and many of us are experimenting with substances or alcohol. That’s fine, we don’t judge. Some of us get to visit or are lucky enough to live in paradise, and Koh phangan is the place to find ourselves. Sometimes finding ourselves includes partying really, really hard. At the same time I have seen that get away from a few people in my circle last week, thankfully everything turned out fine no OD’s or alcohol poisoning but definatly it wasn’t a fun experience for them, especially in the morning. Everyone’s night is better if nobody in your crew is “that guy/ girl” take care of each other out there. It’s a good reminder if you chose to do drugs, don’t let drugs do you. Practice good self care kids, PSA over ;)

So I told you that the Ninjas would be making an appearance at Sramanora waterfall on Aug 27th, it was our first time out there and the venue was awesome. The fire space was set into some huge stones, I imagine when the water is coming down it is even more gorgeous. Sky, Loky and I got to throw down with some of the local Thai spinners, it’s always good to see them and meet other talented performers. After the fire, Sky and I brought out the contact balls for DJ Fabrice’s set. As always Phanganist was on the scene and I am told they got some super cool video. Ill put it up as soon as I have it, in the mean time check out some photos from our set at waterfall.

Visit the full gallery here
Alcove, our favorite French café hosted Sky and I last weekend. As always it was a super classy experience. With great food, venue and vibe. We are there every weekend, it’s nice to perform in a more intimate venue.

If it sounds like it’s been a big week for the Ninjas, it has. Seven (7) shows last week , but for sure the big one was jungle. If you weren’t there you missed it, it was off the chain. If you made it then you know this month was something special. The jungle space has been working hard all month on some new construction. This month featured a revamped chill out space, amazing light show, new art AND models in costume. They even had a bonfire and drum circle in the chill out space.

On our end the show was fantastic, the new fire effects came out better then I could have hoped for and our new material we had been working on came out great. Looking forward to having even more for you next month! The local Thai spinners also made an appearance, it is always good to create something beautiful with them.

Thank you to all the artists and performers that helped us make an amazing event and to all the guests who make it possible.
You can check out the full gallery from jungle here
Jungle takes really good care of their ninjas, and has given us the green light to host workshops in their space. The first one happened Sept 1st. Thanks for coming out and training with us. This will be an ongoing event come out to jungle next Tuesday @ 4 pm to get up on more game. Check out what we’ve learned so far.

keep an eye on the Ninja 4 Rent face book page we have been releasing the interviews and photo shoots taken by phanganst. 3 out of 5 ninjas are live as well as a group photo shoot. The interviews and photos are stellar, well done Phanganist.
In case you missed them links to the interviews can be found here:
Team Shoot
Thanks for a great full moon week, see you at the next show!
Angel Salgado is a cofounder from Ninja 4 Rent, fire performer and all around swell guy.