Steven Pinto is Quinto Elemento


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black-moon-party-koh-phangan-February-02-2013 steven quinto elementoBehind the Project „Quinto Elemento“ are Steven Pinto and Markus Weibel, a Swiss Progressive Goa Dj-Team.

The journey through the electronic Music of these two friends, who knows each other for a long time, began around 1997...
They connected on both enjoying many Parties and Festivals from the electronic music-scene in Switzerland, where they realized for sure - that their true passion lies in the Progressive Trance Goa Sound!

Having a great interest in music and being at so many parties through the years they finally decided to start to enjoy the scene from BEHIND the decks.

In 2005 the DJ project Quinto Elemento was born

In 2007 they and three other friends founded the organisation BurnHead Productions with which they had worked on the past few years.
They also organized small and big Parties around the country.

Half way through 2011 The Quinto Elemento Project included the Big Family from the German Music Label “Prog On Syndicate Rec.”
With their Music - the progressive Goa Trance, Psyprogressive, offbeating style – that they play, they have been, in the last years, at various parties and festivals like Summer Never Ends Festival 2008-2011, Mystica 1+2, Burning Mountain Festival, Hertz-Partys, Tanzwiese Zürichfest, Psychedelic Carnival, Raumklang, Club Go-Inn (DE), Beyond Reality 2008-2011, Stairs Club.. and many more...

These dudes are a very sweet Progressive Dj team. For now, they are looking forward to continue their FIFTH ELEMENT-
“the love for the music” and enjoying our time with crazy people all around the world.. :-)

What is your Koh Phangan story?Black-moon-party-koh-phangan-February-02-2013 steven pinto quinto elemento dj
It is Stevens second trip to Phangan. Last time he was here is already 2 years ago but he will definitely come back next year he says.

Last time he spend more time on the north side of the island which he also enjoyed. Both sides have entertainment. It is just very very different what kind of entertainment!

Through his roommate and best friend DJ Akustik, dear Adrian that was treating us with his beats also, he got in connection with the Half Moon festival.

Adrian introduced me to Jao, ( manager and resident DJ at the Half Moon festival ) some years ago and since then we just got closer and this year he invited me to play on his beautiful Island!

Steven has been playing at the legendary parties, Full, Half & Black Moon! 3 Moons on the CV of Phangan!
Last month it was Full moon on the 26 January at Hadra beach in Hadrin and on the 10th of Feb. he played at the Blackmoon Culture!
Last night Feb. 10 at the Blackmoon Culture his super Heavy Progressive Beats were Harmonicly Pumping out of the Big Speakers on the Sandy Dance floor.
His performance was pure Progressive Heaven and with smooth hands he dictated the crowd into a sweet Boogie!

halfmoon-festival-koh-phangan-2-feb-13 dj steven quinto elementoHe is not going home before the 1st of March so we will have him around for a bit longer!

Which music did you bring in your record bag for Phangan?
“ohhh , a loot . I am a progressive Trance Lover, this is my passion.
I bring Music from all around the world and from many Labels in the Progressive Trance scene.
Prog On Syndicate (berlin) Spin twist (hamburg) Iboga rec. (Denmark) iono music (Berlin )

When he wants to relax he listen to Progressive Trance. The Atmosphere of the sound dynamics in some tracks can blow his mind!

Mostly his inspiration will come from events and people around him. Other musicians is of course always a source of inspiration. Inspirations is to find everywhere!
“I really really like it here!
I could live here and would like it swell!halfmoon-festival-koh-phangan-2-feb-13 steven quinto elemento dj

My favourite place to discover my soul is at the "Bay Lounge" my favourite Resort!
"Relax , Recreate & Refresh." - should be the Name of my guest house here!

This year will be a quite busy year for him.
He is going to play at many big events and big festivals all around the Globe.
The idea to spread his music around the world seems to be working!

You can catch him playing at the Lav Festival, Burning Mountain, Summer never ends and many clubs in Swiss and Germany around the summer!
halfmoon-festival-koh-phangan-2-feb-13 dj steven quinto elementoDo you see yourself playing on Phangan in 10 years from now?
“Yes I do, and I hope so , don't wanna miss it for my Life!

Stevens Dreams & Hopes?
“My Dream is to always be able to come back to the beautiful island and my Hope is that it will never get flooded as they keep warning us about!
I have such amazing friends over here!”
He would magically AbraKaDabrA his own House on Phangan if he was given the opportunity!

Phanganist always make sure to cover all details before they finish an interview so of course also this time we went under our interviewee’s bed to look for further clues of habits and un discovered dramas.

This time we bring out a carrot and 2 very long ears..
We thought of Play Boy for a short moment, who wouldn’t with Bunny ears at hand these days, but the picture became too disturbing with the carrot involved and after yet another dip under the bed in search of more proofs to the “Steven is a Play Boy Bunny” theory, we instead recovered his old key board ... 
We had to archive the idea of Steven as a Play Boy Bunny (for another good time) and rethink conclusions.

Watch with us now and see if we reach the same. Is it just us or IS it where he copied his SuperBoogie fast DJ Hand Moves?


Thank you Steven, for making this interview with us!
It has been a pleasure to hear your sound and we hope that we will get to hear it a lot more here!
Enjoy all and See you around!!



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