How healthy is coffee, how many calories will it costs us, what is the recommended amount per day, any benefits? And what will happen to you if you overdo it?
Coffee addicts swear they cannot function without a cup of coffee in the morning, athletes use it to improve performance, it helps with school or studying and helps fatigue.
However, excessive amounts can be harmful to our bodies.
But what is the recommended amount for coffee, so that we can gain advantages, and when do you begin to overdo it and hurt your health?

The meaning of coffee
Coffee is produced from the beans of the coffee plant.
The coffee drink is known to trigger energy, mainly because of the caffeine found in beans.
How many calories is it costing us in a cup of coffee?
It is thought that because coffee is a beverage, the amount of calories is negligible. Please note that most of the calories in coffee come from milk and sugar.
A teaspoon of sugar has 20 calories, and a half-cup of 3% fat milk has about 200 calories.
Now think how many teaspoons you drink in your coffee, how much milk you put in, and multiply this by the cups of coffee. This may make a cup of coffee on average about 240 calories.

What exactly is caffeine?
Caffeine is a naturally occurring chemical in many contexts in which it is healthy or damaging to our health.
Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the human body, and it stimulates the nervous system, heart rate and respiratory system.
Caffeine also releases the hormone adrenaline, so it is used as an incentive for athletes.
What is the recommended amount of caffeine a day?
To prevent poisoning symptoms to yourself by drinking too much coffee which can cause panic attacks, lack of peace of mind, anxiety and involuntary muscle spasms you should not drink more than three cups of coffee a day, 250mg at once, and no more than 600 mg a day.

How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee?
In order coffee contains 100mg of caffeine, which is the amount contained in a standard coffee cup. Shot of espresso has 40 mg of caffeine, double espresso has 100 milligrams of caffeine, black coffee, 85 milligrams of caffeine and 75 milligrams miracle caffeinated coffee.
Café filter has the largest amount of caffeine, 120 mg glass.
A Frequent Alarm!
Although the benefits of caffeine in coffee can help you stay up late into the night if necessary, for those of you who are sensitive to caffeine especially, you may have trouble sleeping and difficulty in falling asleep.
If this happens to you, avoid drinking after noon.

Coffee and Pregnancy
Previously pregnant women have feared drinking coffee for fear of miscarriage, preterm birth or a low birth weight but studies have found over the years that there is no fear in drinking a cup of coffee a day.
Some say that drinking coffee during pregnancy affects the fetus but this has never been proven.
Want to lose weight? Drink Coffee...
Coffee speeds up the metabolism in the body, contributing to a prolonged feeling of satisfaction.
But it is important to note that this will only happen if you do not overdo the quantity of sugar and milk and it’s probably not the recommended healthiest way of losing weight.

Why do we drink coffee?
Zion Cohen, an expert on international coffee and coffee technologist chief conducted a survey which found that 48% of people said they drink coffee daily as part of the their activity, 34% answered for relaxation, 17% said they drink coffee as part of a social event, and 14% said they drink coffee as an energetic catalyst.
Why you should drink coffee?
Beyond the fact that it raises it is relaxing and pampering, coffee has additional health benefits such as maintaining heart muscle, reducing colon cancer, reduces the chance of Alzheimer's, soothes headaches, helps the process of losing weight and keeping fit.