Our recent article on ‘The Crystal Island’ was well received, thank you to everyone who read and shared it!
One comment really interested us, it was from Antje who said -
‘When I came to the island for the first time I started to buy crystal jewels, different kinds. I had rheumatic problems in Germany before and intuitively I bought stones that helped me cure. I found out later that I picked best for me. I had a quick transformation from material sick towards healing spirit. Koh Phangan has a living spirit somehow!’.
So we decided to get in touch to find out more about Antje’s tale...

Hello Antje, so what is your Koh Phangan story?
I came to the island when I really needed it about ten years ago, travelling with the ‘THAIBREAK’ group. A full organised German Techno trip with heaps of people, DJs and a party program. Full on.
Out of German reality after six years of hard work as a ‘Youngster Marketing Manager’ and a Techno Party Life.
I would say I was quite done. Stressed, unhealthy lifestyle, no awareness, unhappy, no belief, quite sad. I lost my parents when I was a teenager, that was a hard cut that has made me become quite tough.
I was at the end of my twenties when I came to Asia for the first time.
I remember when we arrived by boat to the Thong nai pan noi beach, my bag was so heavy I couldn't carry or move it through the sand. Some Thai girls came so friendly and were helping me and I stood there, looked around and cried. What was wrong with me? I could feel it.
What did I do? I just jumped into the parties, met the best people, locals, insider guides that opened the doors for me to the jungle, to the heart of Koh Phangan. I transformed day to day more and started to listen to myself again. Everyone has their own story, you can learn a lot from these guys.
Everything happened in a row: I fell in love not only once, made friends, chilled out, went to parties, enjoyed nature and great food. You all know what I mean! Welcome to the good life!
I can just say I become reborn. I went through my own process, I tripped, I shaved my hair and I came back.
I gave away everything, I lost a lot and received all new. Buddhism entered my life and I’ve become spiritual.
I call Koh Phangan my home. It’s like a drug you always wanna be there. I have travelled lots but this was Ultimo.

And so where abouts are you now on your travels?
Currently I’m in Sydney with my two boys (two and six years old). We have been here since November last year. We live a beach life, what's good is that my oldest goes to school. ‘Straya’ is a nice rough country.
We recently published an article called ‘The Crystal Island’, so what are your thoughts on Phangan being formed on quartz…?
I just heard that Energy Lines cross on Koh Phangan that's why you find this extreme light and darkness like a Yin and Yang.
The idea that the island is formed on Quartz is awesome! Clear Quartz is clearing, good for a clean mind and body. It has a great healing power, Rose Quartz is the Lovestone, good for the heart, against elektrosmog. There is definitely a certain kind of awareness regarding crystals on the island. They attracted me like magnets.They have huge power there. It’s all together the whole circle of life which is still working there.
And you mentioned in your comment that you found it helped in healing your rheumatic problems, can you explain this more…
My body was quite toxic/sour when I came over. Too many cigarettes, meat, Techno parties, overworked, all of this.
I just bought with me Amber, Turquoise, Clear Quartz and Ammonite necklaces. I knew the stones were good for my system. I was holding them in my hand when I slept. I could feel their energy. I could feel myself recover.
As well the climate in Asia which is good against Arthritis, my doctor in Germany said it’s a wonder how I made these things slow down this disease.

And what knowledge do you have of stones/crystals, why do you think they can heal?
I started to learn with books and via people who were working spiritually and selling stones. Michael Gienger wrote a very complex Lexika about Crystal healing. There is lots of information, you just have to bring them all together.
As well I started to make jewelry and studied all the different kinds of crystals. Currently when I get a new stone I just google it. It’s now all in my head, I get the right stone for the right person intuitively. If someone takes a stone, he is ready for a change. It’s good to hold them in your hands to feel their vibes through your hand chakras.
Stones transport the ‘Cha’ out of your body and activate the Chi. They work for you, they crack and they lose their shine when it's too much for them. We have to return them into nature when they are done. I’ve heard stories from cancer patients that had massive stones on their stomach in hospital and the stone broke through.
Stones are magic and beautiful.
Why is Koh Phangan special to you?
Because I was always longing to go there like a Pilgrim. Thailand in general got me for years. I had negative experiences as well and I don't know how it will be but we will see how it goes. I just love it!

Have you talked to your children about the magic of stones yet?
They know I like crystals but my kids took over this place a bit.
I don't have many stones here. I wear silver rings from India with stones in ‘boho style’, they’re good energy.
Kids like stones, they don't doubt in them. Kids are as natural as the stones are.
It's still the same,the right stone comes at the right time.
My oldest prefers TV and would love to have a XBOX!.
So what are your next adventures and when do you plan to come to Koh Phangan?
Life in Australia is an adventure by itself. I don't know when the time is right to move on. You feel it, It’s different when you have kids. But Koh Phangan is the plan, I will kiss the ground when I’m back.

What do you do in your free time?
We have a good lifestyle here, beach life, we go for a swim and we walk a lot. That's my meditation and sport.
I’m a single mum so don’t have much time. I like music, dancing, have jumped through different scenes from Techno/House /Trance to Reggae/Dancehall and Hip Hop. I wrote two songs and maybe I can produce them in the Future.
And finally, what is your life philosophy?
Oh my Buddha!