Myths are beyond our logic and speak in a unique way in our hearts using symbols and archetypes that are the same in every tradition and culture. They invite us to find the connection between the ancient epics and the daily life of our lives and shed light on the questions and dilemmas of humanity.
The eternal battle between good and evil is not just a fairy tale that happened «once upon a time» but a truth that happens every day around us and especially within us.
The darkest night of each month is considered to be the fourteenth night of the lunar month, just before the new moon. The day before the new moon is known as Shivratri and is dedicated to the god Shiva.
Of the 12 Shivratris that correspond to a calendar year, the one with the greatest spiritual significance falls in the month of February / March and is called Mahashivratri.
The black moon Mahashivaratri represents the darkest night of the year, where the energy of the moon is at its lowest, most refined and most subtle. It is the energy of Shiva and represents transcendence and divinity.
This is an auspicious time that offers practitioners a valuable opportunity and favorable conditions to have easier access to and stimulate the upper chakras, and in particular, the Sahasrara, the crown chakra. Sahasrara is the seat of clarity, the abode of Shiva and our gateway to the Enlightenment.
Maha Shivaratri (Shiva’s great night) is one of the most popular Hindu festivals. It is celebrated with great magnificence by the followers of Lord Siva. The celebration marks the day of Shiva’s marriage to Parvati and takes place, according to the Indian lunar calendar, on the 13th / 14th day of the month of Phalguna (between February and March in the Gregorian calendar).
The preparation for the feast usually takes three days, with fasting, meditation and musical vigils.
It is believed that the natural flow of energy this night is so great that it pushes the spiritual seeker into a deep spiritual experience. That is why a great celebration is set up with traditional music, songs, psalms and meditation that lasts all night and the spiritual seekers are awake, in order to benefit from the flow of cosmic energy.

Mahashivaratri is not a religious festival but it has something to do with the astronomical phase of the planet.
By careful analysis of our own system which is nothing but a part and reflection of this cosmos, whatever happens at the cosmic level also happens within us. So based on this understanding we understood that planet on a certain time in a certain position behaves in a certain way and we figured out Mahashivaratri night as that phase of the time which is of tremendous advantage to us.
The position of stars on the night of Mahashivaratri is considered auspicious for meditation. Thus, it is advisable for people to wake up early and meditate on Shivaratri. It ancient times, people said: «If you cannot meditate on a daily basis, do it for at least one day every year, on Mahashivaratri».
During Mahashivratri, it is being said that the energy flows in an upward direction,during this period planets central fugal force works in a very unique way and this energy flows in an upward direction (vertical direction).
It is said that during this auspicious night,the our posture should be erect so that maximum energy flows in upward direction and we should take maximum benefit out of it. It is ideal to set in a lotus pose with your spine erect because on this night, not only does your body manifest new energies but also, hidden energies are unlocked.
Now when you are in the erect pose, the energies can travel without any difficulty but if you are in a different pose then the energies while they are manifested, the body won’t be able to properly control and they might get stuck at a certain point in your body which could accelerate and empower bad feelings like sadness and anger.
That upsurge of energy not having the controlled manifestation can lead to such negative empowerments instead of when your spine is erect and you get positive empowerments like bliss, happiness, joy, wisdom, etc.
This year the Mahashivratri was celebrated on March 1.
On Koh Phangan Island we celebrate this event with a gathering of the entire community, a ritual of homage to Shiva, meditations, and Bhajan so.
Om Namah Shivaay!!!
Konstantinos Bochtis, ND