How Not to be an Idiot Traveller on Koh Phangan


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Holidays are great, travelling to lots of different places is great and Thailand is great but there are some things which particular individuals can do which will not be great.

We have touched before on why doing the ‘touristy’ things should not be avoided just because some hippy backpacker says not to and now we will touch on some tips on how not to be an idiot.

This is in no way meant to be harsh to anyone, as you know we have a very good sense of humour here at Phanganist (or so we like to think!).

We just want to help you on your way to becoming the best version of yourself whilst you are here on Koh Phangan and also elsewhere in the world.

So to start, don’t be rude. It is very very easy to not be rude.

Although there are many different cultures so we can understand that some things may be taken out of context, all you have to do is just read a tiny little bit to understand that not all people are the same, not all things are tolerated by everyone and so you can just tone down the rudeness to get by and not cause a stir.

Give advice but don’t pretend to ‘know it all’.

Your opinion and taste will most definitely be different to that of some people, yet it will be the same as others but don’t expect either.

Respect the culture and research a little, some people don’t know that Thai people do not want to be touched on the head and you shouldn’t point your feet at them either so try to learn so as not to offend.

It’s the same for the language, just try to learn hello and thank you in the native tongue but also REMEMBER to say them.

A big idiotic trate is being smelly, messy or unclean in shared accommodation.

Yes, you will probably find it a little harder to stay as clean in Thailand what with the skyrocketing temperature and the endless bus and boat travel to get here but there are no excuses for not having the occasional if not daily shower and respecting your fellow travellers by not leaving all your stuff around the dorm.

Try not to come with preconceptions of a place, no where will be like another and you won’t know anything until you have first hand knowledge or experience which takes a little time.

And finally, try to be good with your money and don’t drive like a dick.

Happy Travelling!


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