Phanganist takes a look through some of July's party photo albums to bring you some cool, very individual style choices...
Waterfall Party New Tshirts!

These handsome chaps at Waterfall party seem happy with the new staff tshirts and so are we!
Very nice colour and designs boys.
Bathing in your Bra!

These super gals got so hot at the party that they braved all, threw off their tops and splashed about in their bras and bikinis, good for them!

Remember that song, "I wear my sunglasses at night"? Yes it does happen...
Ahoy me hearties!

There's always one, well usually a few at Loi Lay that don the life jackets. Not a bad idea when it's heavy rain to be fair...
Crazy Shots!

Ok so not a style or fashion choice but a booze choice! What is in them?
We think one of them is Orange Juice!
Beautiful Creatures

These beautiful creatures were to be found at Nomad House, with their angelic looks and hairstyles, we hope they came back from the party as innocent as they started out.
Stringed Things...

We are hoping these stockings are a two piece and don't in fact go from her thighs to her neck.
They look great though so fair play!
Freaky Style

We've seen a lot of neon body painting in our time but this guys efforts are a winner!