Indonesia launches E-Visa


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An online visa application for foreign nationals who want to enter Indonesia has also been launched by the Law and Human Rights Ministry. 
All those who expect to apply for a visa must fill in their details and travel information on the website. They will receive an acceptance letter by e-mail if their application is granted. 

The e-visa sought to create a quicker, more comfortable, and transparent entry permit service, Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna Laoly said.
'This is a positive message that Indonesia has made bureaucratic reform and is ready to become a destination for foreign investment,' said Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi in a statement on Tuesday. 

He added that he hopes that the new policy would help the economic recovery by creating employment after the pandemic of COVID-19. 

Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi and Minister Wishnutama of Tourism and Creative Economy praised the new policy. Retno said she hoped that the electronic service would simplify applying for a visa without neglecting data protection or border security.

The application for an electronic visa would be essential for attracting travelers, Wishnutama said. "The e-visa makes it easy to apply for a visa for foreign tourists anywhere they are." 
The Ministry has also launched the application of the Law and Human Rights provided with an information System (Sipkumham). 
The system claims to be the country's first legal and human rights database utilizing artificial intelligence, combining technologies and machine learning from the ministry's online media platforms of approximately 80 working units. 
Yasonna said that the application would function as a database to help officials address legal and human rights issues.

Source: The Jarkatar Post

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