Celebration Day.
The day was meant to be a Celebration Day, held on the first Sunset after the Purple Moon had set its last flower, and the Orange Seas turned Red from dying Rose petals on their previous voyage.

This Magic had been in the safe hands of the Amazon FreakSiSTARS, and they had defended this safety all their lives with every breath they took.
This day was to be no different.
As on so many other days in the Amazon FreakSiSTARS life, this was also to be a battle day for nothing less than the sake of all human kinds!!
It all began as tradition describes it.
All-day and evening.
By Sunset, The Sisters brought the ring out for this unique, celebrated yearly Sunset bath. Without this annual bath, the Amazing Magical Ring will rust up and die. The Celebration day is as much to ensure this as it is to celebrate the safety of the ring for yet another year.
And so they brought the ring into the Sunset Light.

Around the necks of the Amazon FREAKsiStars would they stand back to back to let the ring receive its Sunset bath.

But Oh No !!
The always colorful and, of course, super evil villain "El Ari" was out to conquer and destroy the ring.
His most excellent wish in life being nothing less than humankind to be presented for the next season as:
"The Race who destroyed the whole universe" .. ( - he hadn't picked the one he liked the most yet, but he figured he would have time to choose the right one after the death of the universe ... )
In one moment of intense focus, he grabbed the Sister, who held the ring and dragged her into the forest.

Luckily the two other sisters came to her rescue very fast, and when the Evil "El Ari" tried to lurk away in the shadows - Sister Shy Delight and Rocking Rainbow were on the spot to defend the Magical Ring!

They fought hard ...Elbows, Boobs, and Magical hand raisings were used !!

Sister Punk Princess came back into the fight with a few right punches.

While Sister Punk Princess rested her tired fists, the others took over for a final retrieve of the Magical Ring.

One Last Battle between Good and Evil.

After mesmerizing evil "El Ari," Sister Rocking Rainbow retrieved and re-conquered the Magical Ring ...
For the sake of Human Kind and the whole universe !!!!!.

They hid it in a place they thought no one would ever Look.

But little did they know that the evil villain had no balls and therefore no desire to look ANY other place than exactly there...
One last battle was up and never had Shy Delight been so angry .. THIS rudeness she would not take!!

She reclaimed the ring...

The Magical Ring is again safe with the Amazone FREAKsiStars .. THIS year !!

Thank You, AmazoneFREAKsiStars !!
From all Human Kinds !!
Many Thanks to Olivers Alien Twist Hair Creations on the Marvelous Day of Alien Celebrations and Battles ...
Much Gratitude to the Divine Queen Luana for taking part in this special day!!
Bunga Bunga TV ... Live .. April 26