As you all know, yesterday we had no power for most of the daytime so I decided to take out one of the Phanganist puppies for an excursion beyond Phanganist HQ.
It was a hard decision to make on which of the Seven puppies to choose from. They were all resting near the house so I walked over and chose the first one that ran towards me which was little 'Alien' as she has been come to known.
Alien is the smallest puppy, there is a big difference in size between her and the biggest, but she has got loads of character!

How to take little Alien out into the big wide world of Baan Tai? In a Jungle Experience string bag of course! She fitted quite cosily in here with her head popping out as I drove, super slow and safe of course, she even went inside and snuggled up. So cute!
We went to meet my friend Jessica at her house and she took these lovely photo's of me and Alien. Alien made some friends, a couple of local children who were not shy in coming for a photo. It's funny how puppy's can instantly melt anyone's heart, big or small. Children are curious as I guess they are similar and adults get all gooey maybe because they are so small and fluffy and pure.

But we have to remember about the problem of stray dogs on the island, luckily the Phanganist dogs have a long term, stable home with Sharon so therefore the puppies do too! You really must think a lot about taking on a dog, or any animal in fact on Koh Phangan, will you be able to look after it? What will you do if you decide to leave the island etc....? Christopher Thomas and myself have two dogs, both were strays which we rescued. We have recently had issues with both of them, Alfie with his health and Larnie with her behaviour. It has been a huge challenge for us to deal with, what with both already being so busy, but we made a commitment to them so whatever amount of money we have to spend on Alfie's health, has been done and whatever time has to be put into helping Larnie has been done too. You never plan for the 'bad times' with animals but it is always something to consider.
As we haven't found suitable homes for any of the puppies yet, for now, they are still living at Phanganist HQ. Yes they can be a bit annoying when they are running around, trying to eat our feet under the desks or playing and making lots of noise, but all in all, I think everyone here would agree that it has been fun having them around and interesting to see them from being born to now being two months old. They are like mini dogs!
Plus it's a bit of a girl magnet for Sharon Hah-ha!

Anyway, the three of us went to the beach, Alien met the big dogs that live at 'Beach Village' but didn't really seem that interested in them, she preferred to just sunbathe and sleep next to Jess and I whilst we enjoyed the sea view and put the world to rights. We still had a little bit of time before it started getting dark so we decided to pop into Ringside Hostel for a cheeky beer. We saw Therese, Ellie, Wayne and Paul from Ringside, and of course they loved meeting Alien! She was getting pretty tired after all of this excitement though, so slept again!!

I brought her back to Phanganist HQ, reunited her with her brothers and sisters, her mum Yafit and Uncle Barbi and sat down to work. Alien was very happy for the rest of the night, she kept running up all excited to me! I think she was happy she had been taken out on an adventure. Next time it will be someone elses turn though.
We still have Seven puppies here, so if you are serious about getting a dog and will commit to it for its whole life then please don't hesitate to get in touch.