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After a wonderful decoding of the Artist they call Danny, this reporter noted an already Suspected reflective appearance from the 7th dimension and must with that emfi out the anola of ton bukane. ( It is of course more an upside down reading from the Perspective C-note, than a real decoding of all the aspects within the human spectrum. To be able 2 see the projections in it all - we have to recalculate the WHYS the WHOS and the WHATNOTS - that were crushed by the cruel indifference of the beloved ones ... or nourished ... and a written decoding like this is far from sufficient )
Danny, a Belgium Offspring dreamed about being an artist since he was teenager. He wanted to study art but he was taken to different roads from the beginning. Of course he didn’t feel comfortable on those roads and without finishing whatever it was that distracted him from his Art, he found his real way.
A Magnificent Story into Digital forms with Organic feelings. Psychedelic landscapes overflowing in over-or- under laying non-existing realms of half existing realities. Dreams and fairy tales with Dragons and small visions of These Ever so Divine Moments of Truths .. *
Since he was always a part of the Trance Family most of his inspiration comes out of this life and this special environment. Nonetheless he still tries to keep the door open for everyone to relate to his designs, so that not only the psychedelic family can relate. It is a matter of creating a Beauty that everyone can enjoy.
Along with his career as a Dj the design and photography slowly developed with him.
It was one day on Vuuv, while enjoying a pure experience that his friend Paul Taylor commented; “This looks like a Digital Thangka!”
From then on Danny’s designs were Digital Thangka.
The photographing was a quiet dream sneaking its way with the graphic design and maybe also the DJ’ing.
Since he arrived to Koh Phangan everything has spiralled into a beautiful colouration of Life. Now he is Graphic designer and Photographer Mr. Digital Thangka and a very Trance’a’licous - Dj Apnea!
When he came to the island he found a sweet spot and was quite fast “thrown into the deep end” as he expressed it when we talked. Ban Sabaii were happy to meet this 7th dimensional music and design Pilot!
He landed in a full party place with lots of graphic jobs and few to do it. Lucky Danny! Now he has been doing graphic designs for almost all the trance parties on the island.
The Experience Festival on Koh Tao every New Year became his Design Baby, which Designs he has given birth to since the beginning of the Festival.
Danny is living His Dream. He dreamed to be an inspiration to others and already now he is proud and honoured to find his photos and creations in the homes of people which talents he himself always have admired in the past – and still do of course.
He wanted to live with his Art. He wanted to Create. He wanted to stay among the Palms of Phangan. Good Karma on you Snitz!
A fragile ( from the vast bursts of energy that seems to be blasted out from the Simpletons and the Babylons ) and beautiful aware mind in a mindful well decorated body. Probably he will not like to see this written, but as this reporter MUST report the truthS there is no way around it ... there always is of course, but let’s not bring that equation into this simple 3D linear explanation.
Phangan is the most inspirational place he has found so far so let’s hope he stays for a while! This reporter DOES hear stories of such Luck though!
Thank You for the Beauty and the warmth that you bring to this calculation of life !!!