Faye Reading has lived here on the island permanently for 3 years. However, she fell in love with it when she came to see a friend in the Summer of 2016.
“I’d just walked out of my job as a deputy headteacher in the UK, after becoming disillusioned with the education system there, plus I’d left a disastrous relationship and I’d just hit the big 40. I really needed to get away so my friend Caroline suggested I come to visit her”.
Koh Phangan changed Faye’s whole perspective and outlook on life - as it does for many people. Spending time here and the incredible people she met was really life-changing for her.
“On the last night of my trip, I told my friend that I would come back for good and I made it my mission to make it happen”.

Faye is known to many as a Teacher at Si Ri Panya International School, and a lovely one at that. She also has a special gift which we wanted to talk to her about. The gift is doing ‘psychic or energetic readings’,
“Energetic is probably a more accurate description. I am able to access the seeker’s past lives and any significant events or issues in that life which may have a bearing on this one. I have spirit animals of the person I am reading for connect to me to deliver a message or to symbolize some issue within that person’s current situation. I also physically feel sensations on my body that connect to and reflect emotional issues with that person. I can also connect to spirit guides and spirits connected to the person I read for. Sometimes I see events from the past, present and future”.
Faye explains the way that she reads as quite unusual as she reads from a photograph of the person. She also does not like to have any information beforehand.
“I then go into a meditative state - and then I receive the information.
I see pictures and images on the person’s face, as well as physical sensations - sometimes tastes or smells, and I physically feel the energies of spirits in connection to that person who will then communicate with me. I also receive information through thoughts and visions”.
You may wonder what someone might learn or about the benefits of having a reading and Faye states that she is “not the kind of psychic to tell you information like when you will marry or have kids or if Julie in accounts likes you or not”.
This is because she finds that type of information neither helpful nor empowering to the seeker. It is also not her role to tell you what to do or what decision to make regarding a problem - that is taking away your own autonomy and opportunities for learning that making difficult decisions can bring.
“I strongly believe my role as a reader is to bring to light information or issues that will help the seeker gain a deeper understanding and clarity of themselves and their journey - if they are prepared to do the work afterwards.
My readings are able to hold a mirror up to the seeker, not solve all their problems. I’ve had many people I’ve read for say this is exactly what they like about my style of readings – it gives them the opportunity for self-reflection and growth. My favourite thing is that I have in some small way helped the seeker connect more deeply to themselves, their inner guidance and power. I am just a channel for this to happen, that’s all. It is not my power but a higher power working through me.
As well as helping others through this it has also taught Faye many things of which she is grateful.
“Ultimately it has given me greater compassion for people and the things we suffer from, whether we choose to speak of it or not. It has also given me a greater understanding and awareness of the guidance that is always available to us if we choose to go within and connect on a deeper level to ourselves.
It has also taught me to form stronger boundaries with people who sometimes find it difficult to remember I am a person too and not a direct line to spirit whenever they want a question answered”.
We asked Faye when she discovered that he had a gift and she told us that she had glimpses of psychic ability since being a teenager. Sometimes she would see and sense spirit and know things about people and what was going to happen to them.
“I used to constantly astral project in my late teens and throughout my twenties. However, I was busy living life as you do at that age so pushed it to the back of my mind, even when I’d experience things when I was out. Pubs in England have many ghosts it seems!”.
It has only been since living here, the last year or so, where Faye has begun to accept her gifts and use them as a tool to help others and after many years of inner and spiritual work on herself “before I simply was just not ready or in a position to guide others”.
You are also a teacher at Si Ri Panya school, what do you enjoy about being a teacher on Koh Phangan?
Absolutely the children! The children at Si Ri Panya are amazing. I really like how there are so many different nationalities of children learning together. They are so accepting and kind to each other and incredibly open. They are a joy to be around and there is always so much to learn from the children I teach. I’m also lucky enough to work with a fantastic staff team - we all share the same vision for the school and are all incredibly committed to creating the best learning experiences for the children in our care. It’s really hard work at times but totally rewarding.
Although Faye does not have much free time she loves to paint and produce art and would like to set some more time to do this. Getting out and experiencing the beauty and nature of this incredible island is her favourite thing to do.
“I love it just as much as I did when I first arrived and I never forget how lucky I am to be living here- every day is a gift!”.
Thank you so much Faye for speaking with us and sharing your gift, if anyone is interested in a reading for themselves the Faye will probably cross your path in a natural way.