Rainy season is usually from October to December but don’t let that put you off as there are still many many glorious days, you just get the odd shower of heavy rain included.
There are some things you should know and be aware of during rainy season or periods of heavy rain in Koh Phangan however, so as always Phanganist is here to guide you safely through…

Be prepared to be patient
Rain and strong winds mean power cuts. After no rain at all recently the dead branches have stayed on all of the trees so now we have a bit of windy weather they’re all coming off at once, resulting in branches falling on power lines and our electricity going down for a while.
It can happen at any time but we find that power cuts are more common in this weather so be patient with this.
Take this opportunity to get to know your dorm mates, play some games instead of scrolling through the internet or chill in a hammock with a beer and listen to the great sounds of the weather and crashing ocean waves.
Keep safe on the roads
Koh Phangan’s roads are not like Bangkok’s, some of them are still just dirt tracks and even the ones that are new can still have hidden dangers.
Sand is the worst culprit, when it rains the water can cause the sand to get wet and slide down onto the roads so watch out for this. Also when it stops raining this sand dries, on the road, causing more hazard until it gets blown or washed off again so be careful of sand on the road.
If you get caught in a shower then your visibility is not going to be too good either so drive slowly, everyone else will be so there’s no need to rush to get dry. Even better… stop completely if you can.

Things falling from the sky
Ok so this is a bit exaggerated but something to consider nonetheless. With the rain comes the wind and this means falling branches and coconuts, which can also cut the power as we have previously stated.
Now we have read that injuries from falling coconuts are pretty common in Thailand but luckily none of here at HQ have any personal experience but if you’ve ever HEARD a coconut fall then you can imagine that it would hurt.
Branches from palm trees also make a good thud when they come down so just be aware of this if you are in an area with trees, no one wants a bump to their head now do they…!
Travel Disturbances
Keep track of your travel arrangements, if it is a big storm or heavy rain and high winds then it could be likely that ferries to and from the island will be cancelled or delayed.
Keep in touch with your travel agent or staff at the hostel as they may know, otherwise you may only find out at the pier.
Use common sense and if you’re concerned that the weather could affect your travel, make alternative arrangements to suit your plans.

Electric cables
When you arrive in Koh Phangan or Thailand in general you will notice that the wiring for electricity is not what you are used to, in fact you’re not used to electric cables normally as you probably don’t see them where you’re from!
Here in Thailand there are often lots, above head, hanging in clear view or near the roads and in bad weather these could come loose or fall down so just be careful not to step on or touch them.
Take care in the sea
If you’re staying on the beach then that choppy adventurous sea might look exciting to go and splash in but the red flags get put up for a reason.
One, the tide and current will be stronger which can be a danger for even the most confident swimmer and two, there will be more hazards.
Monsoon season brings in a lot of debris from out in the ocean and from the shores, bits of wood, coconuts and sea life which would usually be further out so be careful or don’t venture into the unknown at all.

Layer up!
In between the showers there will still be plenty of great weather but it is still not the hottest season and Koh Phangan can get chilly especially at night.
So if you fancy going out in the evening then take a jacket or something to put on, this will come in handy if it does rain again and also to stop you getting a cold and ruining your time here, when you’re used to Phangan’s heat then you will certainly notice the temperature drop at night!