A Year of Magic for Bry0


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Happy New Year to All you super Dudes and Dudettes!

There once was a boy and a girl, both born in 1984, one slightly before the other. We think their parents made a pact (not sure how they would know each other but...) that they both would become the bestest of friends and look out for and after each other for the whole of their time on planet Earth.

They are both from outta space you see.

Magic and Bry0 grew up with their loving families and then at the age of twenty said a semi permenant farewell to go to pursue their mutual passion for painting by studying art at university.

This is when they finally crossed paths (in this life) whilst attending the same course.

As the years went on and still at uni, these two mavericks became like brother and sister. Bry0 particularly being fond of Magic's house that he shared with her childhood friend 3dom and another attendee of art school Voyder.

They would jam in the studio, drink west country cider, go on random missions to bust the ghosts of Bristol city in the UK, spend new years eve's buying trainers, eating roast dinners then partying until the sun came up.

Partners in Paint from Day One.

Ten whole years have passed since this troublesome, cool duo have known each other and not much has changed.

Well a few things....

Magic went to live on Koh Phangan, life was not the same for Bry0. She has many wonderful friends but there was just something special about Magic for her. An honest dude with a heart of gold. Someone who she could always rely on, always keep her inspired to paint whether feeling super happy or a bit sad.

SO, Bry0 moved to Koh Phangan aswell! Then something weird happened...

We will leave that story at that. Bry0 and Magic have been painting together for ages, sometimes work, sometimes fun, sometimes for both. 

2015 began with live painting at Slip n Fly for a four day event, just as Magic had got back from a holiday in the UK. Both artists got ill but as they always do, they ploughed onwards because it was a pretty fun gig anyway!

Magic loves dogs, he REALLY loves them, so does Bry0. They try to do their bit for Phangan Animal Care (PACs) by donating pieces of artwork, they even put on an event at Mountain Life at the beginning of the year which raised a lot of money.

They both did some live painting at the event and you can see a couple of the pices they have donated below also...

Magic and Bry0 like graffiti art, they like to do lots of different kinds of art but graffiti culture runs deep through their veins, so whenever they can they paint for fun.

Thai spray paint is not the best but it's been a new challenge for them to tackle.

They also like to go on missions....
usually with their dogs on the side car.

They've been super lucky this year as they have had many friends and family come to visit. Magic's family came twice! Bry0's brother came which was sweet, also her buddy Edd who she went to school with and many others.

Their bestest buddy 3dom and his girlfriend came and stayed next door. Of course this meant another mission had to be had.

The painting partners have done quite a few commision jobs this year, both together and separately.

Ku Club was a fun one, they got to paint an old lady raver and an old man, wings behind the dj booth and last but by no means least their pens met on the tartar sauce...

Aside from painting, one moment that stands out was when Magic found a bat in the road. He brought it home and they both cared for and did their best for this adorable, fascinating creature.

The vet even mended its wing. Unfortunately this story has a sad ending, the bat did not make it, but they did their best. Especially Mr Magic, he loves animals he does!

So the year is finished. 2016 is underway. This is going to be a super duper year for Bry0 and Magic, many adventures, fun times and glorious moments will be had.

If you hadn't guessed it, you probably have. This is being written by Bry0. Blimey it's hard to write in the third person about yourself!! Ha-ha.

Thank you Magic, you live up to your name. It's been a great year! Up and down and around and round, back and forth and Boom! But it's the best time of my life.

You are loved a lot. xxx


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