Koh Phangan Travel Blog - The Adventures of Lee Lee Love - Mexico continues


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lee blog, phangan blogs, travel blog, the adventures of lee lee love, art, culture, party, trekking

 ♡ღ  ツ ✿ Sawadeeeee Koh Phangan  ♡ღ  ツ ✿

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Lee Persson, I’m a Swedish young woman at the age of 29.

I’ve been living on Koh Phangan on and off 3 times.
I started backpacking in 2009 and I ended my trip with a visit at Koh Phangan 2010 when I was doing Yoga.


Of course I fell in love with the beautiful island and the only thing I wanted was to go back.
I returned in January 2013 and in October I decided that it was time for me to become a full time local in the Sri Thanu area.

I went home to Malmö, Sweden and I sold everything I had, took the little thing I had and moved to Koh Phangan for good.

Or so I thought. Now I’m in the progress of moving from Thailand to Mexico.
Another big step in life.

Follow me on my journey trough something we call living the life to the fullest.

 ♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ツ

Lee's Thoughts & Adventures!

lee blog, lee lee love, the adventures of lee lee love, phangan travel blog, phangan blogs

3/16, 10:59pm

Isla Mujeres, part 1!

Another day, another island, another sunset, another memory, another connection.

I believe that everything that you wish for is possible. It’s just a matter of how much you work for it to make it possible, that’s all.

How open you are for everything and that everything happens for a reason. Many people might not know the whole story about what I’m going through at the moment. And to be honest, it’s very hard for me to put down everything into words. It’s been a hell of a ride for a month and a half and a lot of things have been coming my way. Somehow a lot of things that I wish for gets manifested when I’m on this island.

The only thing that have been hard since I arrived on the island is to write. I’ve been reading much more than writing actually. I’ve had so many thoughts running through my mind. And I met so many connections that I’m speechless. And the hormonal treatment I had didn’t make things easier for me.

♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ツ

I left Koh Phangan, in the end of January for another beautiful island. My favourite island, Isla Mujeres, Mexico.

It was a hell of a ride to get here. Around 40 hours total. From Koh Phangan to Bangkok, Bangkok to Tokyo, Tokyo to Houston USA and Houston to Cancun, Mexico. Meanwhile, on the long flight from Tokyo to Houston, I got sick on the plane and couldn’t sleep so I only slept 5 hours in 2 days. But after couple of hours of sleep on Alice couch in Cancun, (Alice is my ”contact person” at the Fertility Centre in Cancun.)

I was ready to get over to Isla Mujeres.


But… I’m getting paid while having a free vacation and I’m doing something good for someone, so I’m not complaining at all, it’s all worth it in the end...

It can’t get any better. I love my life!

And I marked  ☒  one thing  ✘ ✍  off my ”Bucket list” on the way here.

Eating sushi in Japan ☑  Check! ✔   

I’m in absolute paradise. 

I’m in MY beautiful amazing paradise.

Don’t get me wrong, I really love Koh Phangan but I got a deeper magical connection to this island.

The island of women. Isla Mujeres!

And just the thought of what Isla Mujeres stands for and how powerful this island was back in the days in the Mayan culture. It was for the Goddesses of fertility.

And why didn’t I think about that before? That’s what I am here for! Donating my eggs.

Maybe I’ve been one of the Fertility Goddesses in a different life time? Who knows?
I’m back anyway, and I’m spreading my blond & blue eyed genes around North & Central America.

I keep coming back to this place because I’m NOT done with this island and I have something for it that I can’t explain.

It’s the third time that I’m sitting where I’m sitting at the moment, and every time I’m sitting here, I can’t believe it myself.

I have to pinch myself. I am happy every time it happens and I’m grateful to have the chance to meet all these beautiful living creatures along the way. They are the ones who makes it all worth it. Those who walks their own way, live life to the fullest and are explorer of the world. 

And they are HAPPY people! (most of the time anyway)

They are not inside the bubble anymore and I do have more in common with these people than I do with many others.
Everyone is open minded, loving and absolutely amazing in their own way. And most of them also have a story to tell.
They are human, just like me. And thank God for that!

There is always a reason for them why they are here at this moment, doing what they are doing and I’m happy to hear all their stories and see how the people are working on themselves and how people are starting to wake up and take action.
And sometimes even witness the progress or be a part of their spiritual growth…

♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ツ

It’s beautiful and I connect very strong with people I meet on Isla Mujeres. I never felt those connections anywhere else in the world. And I travelled a lot in different places in the world. We are all here for a reason. Either you are a blessing or a lesson. I think that I am one of them myself, trying to find something that I’ve been looking for a long time. And I know that I am close to find a deeper understanding about things.

About myself, about others, about life. Being here, gives me power and strength and I feel vital, clear and grounded.

I’ve realized that the saying ”You’re home is where your heart is” is true.

Back in 2009, a part of me felt empty when I left this island. I left with a broken heart and I never thought that I would ever come back to this place.
When I was here, weird stuff happened. Things I can’t put into words without sounding like I’m going crazy. Feelings mostly. A connection to the island and to the people I’d met here.

I did come back, 5 years later when doing my first egg donation.

I realized that Sweden wasn’t the right country for me to live in many years ago.

So I moved to Thailand… But why did I move to Thailand?

A part of me still felt empty. It felt good in many ways, but it wasn’t like Mexico.


It took me a third trip back here to Isla Mujeres in late January to realize that Thailand wasn’t my home either.

I belong here. This is my place. This is where I should be. Right now anyway!

I’ve been trying to look for a place around the world, but I know that a part of my soul and heart always will be here and this is where I feel alive.

A life on Isla Mujeres is easy.

It took me 5 years to realize this, but during those 5 years I worked on myself, I grew up, got a confidence and grew stronger both mentally and physically.

So, I have decided…. I’m leaving Koh Phangan!

I wouldn’t have ended up in Koh Phangan, Thailand if it wasn’t for my trip to Isla Mujeres in 2009.
And I wouldn’t have been introduced to Agama Yoga and I guess I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now either.
I needed to learn and to grow and to be ready for this at the right time. And I think that the time is now.

I was suppose to be back at Koh Phangan on Valentines day, but it looks like I never made it back.
I’m still here and it looks like I’m not going back for a while.

I was also suppose to meet my friend Rado from England in Bangkok and go together to Koh Phangan, and celebrate my birthday at the Drum Jam.

♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ツ

I guess that didn’t happen either.
What happened was that I got side tracked and offered to sail to Cuba from Isla Mujeres together with a crew of Ina, a German girl that I met my first day at Isla Mujeres.

She was looking for a boat to sail to Cuba, and now we’re both on it.

Then there is Captain Ed, who also is the owner of the nice little boat.
Cory is one year older than me (30) and a river rafting guide back home. Then there is the pirate, Dawg. The hippie. And finally Denis from Belize. I love these guys already. It’s a little 44 feet Troller.

I spent couple of weeks onboard with them before we went sailing and they are more or less family now.

It’s just Ina & Denis that haven’t been onboard as long as I have.

I love waking up to someone singing in the kitchen or just being there. Having people around me.

♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ツ

I changed my flight ticket back to Thailand to a date that was close to when we are going to be back on the island. April 20. From Cancun – Bangkok.
Same route as it was to get here. I will spend around 2-3 weeks in Thailand. Do yoga, send my stuff with mail, party a little bit, say good bye to people, and detox.

After those 2-3 weeks I will fly back to Cancun, to do another egg donation. Then the plan is to fly to California and do a road trip and end it with Burning Man festival in early September.

This is the plan anyway. I know it can change in a matter of a second, but I need to have a goal anyway.

So, see you in late April all Koh Phanganers.

Hopefully I’ll see you at the Jungle Experience or Agama Yoga.

♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ツ

Stay tuned for more…. and the adventures continues ... 

♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ツ Good Luck  ♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ツ

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥   MUCH LOVE to you all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  

lee blog, phangan blogs, travel blog, the adventures of Lee, art, culture, party










Lee's adventures continues ♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ツ follow her further on Phanganist.com!


Real Estate Board

Category: Land for sale
Type: Chanote
Size: 1.07 Rai
Cost: 7500000 THB
Category: Villa for sale
Type: Chanote
Size: 295 sqm
Cost: 11500000 THB
Category: Land for sale
Type: NorSor3
Size: 23 Rai
Cost: 4M THB per Rai.
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Type: Chanote
Size: Five Rai
Cost: 11 M per Rai
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Size: 1 Rai
Cost: 4500000 THB
Category: Land for sale
Type: Chanote
Size: Plot 1 - 4 Rai. 6,400 sqm., Plot 2 - 4 Rai. 6,400 sqm.
Cost: Price per Rai - 16,000,000 THB
Category: Villa for sale
Type: Chanote
Size: Plot sizes: 480 sqm, Villa size: 200 sqm including porches (70 sqm), A private pool - 30 sqm.
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Cost: 2960000 THB
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Type: Chanote
Size: Different slots in various sizes. Price is per Rai.
Cost: 4500000 THB
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Size: 0.78 Rai / 1,252 sqm
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Type: NorSor3Gor
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Type: Chanote
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Type: Chanote
Size:  0.75 Rai: 1200m2​
Cost: 5250000 THB
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Type: Chanote
Size: 7 Rai
Cost: 25 M Baht per Rai (negotiable)