Psychedelic trance party Feb:13:13
Dark Psy of the Moon is kicking of tonight with another of their very very nice Trance Parties.
This Psy Trance party crew is a nice mix of many friends who all wish to honour the Psy Trance Family on this Island and keep it PSY!
The Line Up for tonight is a long list of pure Trancers.
From Goa’s Osman trough Funny Sanuk, Our Guirtar Hero Lars Lee, Tommy’s Pat, Magic Phangan’s Leung, more from the Tommy crew with Ton, back to European Psy with Scotty, round about back to Psychodeny from Phangan grounds finishing of with JR ad Psynew Ligor Spirit !!!
If you come early when they make their opening around 4pm you will have free entrance. Actually until after sunset at 7pm you can join for free.
After this, it will be 300 Baht only and the nice Crew include a drink with that!
Have a look at their facebook event and join the Psy Trance Family on the Beach in the Hills before Hadrin for a Trance Dance to the Sunset!