Mangosteen is an exotic, slightly sweet, and sour fruit grown here in Thailand and widely available on Koh Phangan.
The fruit is sometimes referred to as purple mangosteen because its rind develops when ripe due to the deep purple colour. The juicy inner flesh, by contrast, is shiny white.
As well as being absolutely delicious it has a rich supply of nutrients, fiber, and unique antioxidants that may offer many health benefits.
Mangosteen, although small in calories, contains a range of important vitamins, minerals, and fiber. These nutrients are essential in holding a lot of functions in your body.
Rich in Big Antioxidants
Perhaps one of the most significant attributes of mangosteen is its unique antioxidant profile. Antioxidants are chemicals that can neutralize the adverse effects of potentially dangerous molecules called free radicals, which are related to specific chronic diseases.
Mangosteen contains several antioxidant-capable nutrients including vitamin C and folate. It also offers xanthones — a special form of plant compound considered to have high antioxidant properties. The antioxidant activity of xanthones has led to anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-aging, and antidiabetic effects in several studies.
Therefore, mangosteen xanthones may be blamed for all of the possible health benefits. Also, it takes further human study before concrete conclusions can be reached.
Helps reduce inflammation.
Test-tube and animal studies suggest that xanthones have an anti-inflammatory effect and may lower your risk of inflammatory diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Mangosteen is also rich in fiber which offers several advantages. For example, some animal research suggests a higher-fiber diet may help to reduce the inflammatory response of your body.

May have effects on cancer
Population studies show that diets rich in vegetables and fruits such as mangosteen are associated with a reduced cancer incidence. Specific mangosteen plant compounds — including xanthones — have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that may help fight cancer cell development and spread.
May spur weight loss
One of the main statements of mangosteen to popularity in the health and fitness market is its ability to support weight loss. One research showed that mice in the control group on a high-fat diet that obtained supplementary doses of mangosteen gained significantly less weight than mice. Likewise, people who supplemented their diets with 3, 6 or 9 ounces of mangosteen juice twice daily tended to have a lower body mass index (BMI) than the control group in a small, 8-week study.
Supports controlling blood sugar
A recent 26-week study in obese women found that those who receive 400 mg of supplemental mangosteen extract daily had significant reductions in insulin resistance — a diabetes risk factor — compared to the control group. The fruit is also a healthy source of fiber, a nutrient that can help to regulate blood sugar and strengthen regulation of diabetes.
Promotes a Healthy Immune System
For a healthy immune system fiber and vitamin C – both of which can be found in mangosteen are essential. Fiber protects the good bacteria in your gut — an integral part of immunity. Vitamin C, on the other hand, is needed for the function of different immune cells and has antioxidant properties. However, some evidence shows that some mangosteen plant compounds could have antibacterial properties — which may support the immune system by defending off potentially harmful bacteria.
Helps keep healthy skin
Skin damage from sun exposure is a common worldwide occurrence and a major contributor to skin cancer and ageing signs. Researchers claim that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity of mangosteen is the main reason for those skin-protective effects, but more studies are needed in this area.
Enjoy and feel great!