Things You Can Do If You Want A Peaceful Day On Koh Phangan


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Even though most people come here to party, it doesn’t mean that’s the only thing to do here.  There are lots of activities you can enjoy that are completely relaxed.  

Whether you need some quiet time because you’ve partied too much, or you’re not a party person and you only want to relax, here’s a list of things you can do:


Get a massage.

Thailand is famous for being one of the best places to get a massage and Koh Phangan is full of massage shops with professionals ready to bend you back into shape or provide you with a calming experience, your choice. Not only is it relaxing, but it’s good for your health too! A Thai massage has many health benefits including improved circulation, reduced stress, increased energy, increased flexibility, improved range of motion, and an overall centering of the mind and body.   

The island has many places where you can even get a massage on the beach. Just lay back, feel the cool ocean breeze on your skin and drift off into pure relaxation with the sounds of the waves in the background. However, if being outside is not your thing, there are indoor shops and luxurious spas offering a more glamorous massage experience if you want to treat yourself!

Wherever you decide to go, a massage is the perfect way to heal from an intensive hike or from a hangover or to just unwind in paradise. 


Take a yoga class.

Doing yoga is as soothing as getting a massage. It reduces tension in the body and calms the mind. Many postures are known to have deeply calming effects on the whole system. There are so many styles of yoga, most of which involve practicing the art of letting go as is Shavasana - relaxation at the end of a yoga class. Koh Phangan has so many yoga retreats that you have all the styles in the world to choose from!

Yoga helps to clear the mind by forcing you to focus on one thing, what you are doing. This helps to bring you into the moment where there is no stress or anxiety, only your breath and the feeling of your body opening itself up and becoming more flexible.  



There are also a variety of wellness retreats and healing centers where you can join a meditation session. If a guided meditation isn’t what your in the mood for, you can just go meditate somewhere peaceful of your choosing, solo. The island is full of secluded and quiet places with little to no people where you can practice being present and also connect with nature. Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for relaxation because it slows down the mind and brings you into the moment and into yourself. 

There is also the option of doing a walking meditation called Inner Walk at Loyfa BetterLife Retreat. The practice teaches you how to release the suffering within and  how to “be here, right now” and how to accept reality as it is through the act of walking.

Unlike other meditation practices that teach you how to focus and calm the mind,  Inner Walk teaches you how to be with the chaos inside your mind and the outside environment, so you can experience true peace, whatever the circumstances.


Get in the water!

You will find the most beautiful beaches in the world in Koh Phangan! There are so many pleasant water activities that you can do that are relaxing, such as snorkeling, diving, kayaking, and swimming in the ocean. Whatever you choose, there’s something ultimately soothing about getting in the water and even just floating about...totally free.

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