About 15 years ago a group of people who were using and abusing drugs and alcohol had gotten tired of the struggle and decided to form a group.
At first it was a small group but it soon grew larger as people heard of a solution for drug and alcohol abuse problems and addiction.
Where there are addicts and drunks, there is always a need for recovery and a new way of living.

Did you know that they are held here on Koh Phangan? If not then now you do...
The meetings that happen here on the island are very relaxed and welcoming. They begin each meeting with a moment of silence thinking of the addicts who are still in active addiction and their well-being. After this they have a few lines from NA or AA literature, usually on how the program works.
Each meeting is slightly different, a chairperson who leads the meeting chooses a topic and an intention for the meeting, which is then read aloud.
After this, the meeting is then open to anyone who wishes to share on the topic mentioned or anything related to recovery from addiction. Some come to listen, some to share their story, it is entirely up to each person to decide if they feel comfortable to share. Sometimes listening is all that is needed.
Anyone who feels they have a problem with drugs or alcohol and would like to know more about it are welcome to join these meetings.
By gathering with like-minded people who share similar struggles with drugs and alcohol people can find the meeting a safe place to share in a totally non-judgmental and safe environment, sharing experiences and struggles with people who have been through similar experiences. People from all walks of life, women and men, young and old, from all over the world coming together to help others and share their experience and wisdom. Some are newcomers, some have decades clean but in these meetings, everyone is of equal importance.
Meetings and recovery are universal in that they help all people suffering from drug and alcohol abuse. Koh Phangan has the same problems with drug and alcohol abuse as anywhere else in the world. Koh Phangan is a small island, not many people know that NA, CA (Cocaine Anonymous) and AA even exist or that recovery is even possible here, we hope that people know now that they do.
If you have heard that AA, CA and NA are associated with religion and this has put you off then we are here to dispel these rumours...
Religion can be a great stumbling block for many people… However, religion per se is not the focus, rather discovering a more spiritual way of living and working on some of our more extreme and destructive traits of our personalities. We work on ourselves to create a healthier, simpler way of life for ourselves and those around us.
Here are some common misconceptions and then the truth;
1. NA/CA/AA is some kind of religious cult – It is nothing like this at all.
2. That a person has to be clean or sober to come to a meeting – not true, anyone who thinks they have a problem with drugs or alcohol is welcome.
3. That we all sit in a circle reciting Bible and Verse – Absolutely not, many of our members are agnostic or atheist.
4. People may judge what I have to say – There is always someone more fucked up than yourself and we’ve all heard the worst of the worst many times before. We are totally non-judgmental, we are together, a group of former drug addicts and alcoholics. We’ve All done some fucked up stuff, Relax, come and see for yourself.
Changing Your Life and Attitude
By being part of the group one finds camaraderie and great new friendship with people who are clean and trying to live life differently than before. Many addicts are used to isolating and being by themselves, feeling a sense of hopelessness in their addiction.
Upon entering the meeting’s, a person gets a sense that another way of living is possible. People find a warm and welcoming environment, safe and relaxed which enables them to be themselves, share and listen to the wisdom of other addicts with more clean time.
The program of recovery is open to anyone who thinks they have a problem with drugs or alcohol and has a desire to stop and change their way of living for the better.
In the meeting’s there are people from all different backgrounds who have taken every type of drug imaginable from smoking weed to shooting dope to drinking to oblivion. Everyone is equal, everyone is welcome without judgement.

Koh Phangan
The meetings are helpful for anyone, anywhere and on Koh Phangan we are the only recovery program based on drugs and alcohol, totally free of cost and open to all.
A Way Out
There is a way out of the suffering and obsession. There is a safe place to meet others who have suffered the addiction of obsession and have learned a new way of living.
There are other addicts and alcoholics who want to help someone who does not know how to help themselves. There is a way out, a way forward, it is all possible.
Friends and Family of Addicts
The meetings on Koh Phangan are all open meetings meaning that anyone interested or curious about recovery can attend to find out more.
Facebook Group
Contact info
Narcotics Anon; 0649173100
Alcoholics Anon; 098.803.8144