Controlling the Dancing on Haad Rin Beach - DJ Calypso from Drop In


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DJ Calypso, originally from Bangkok came to the island 2 years ago whilst travelling to see his younger brother who DJs at Drop In Bar. Owner Toh then contacted him and asked him to come and play and he now lives here on Koh Phangan…

What were you doing in Bangkok?
I was Djing on Khao San Road and I just back from Dubai two days ago.

What was it like to work on the famous Khao san road?
I worked in Lava club and Silk Bar, when I worked there it was so busy. Many tourists are in Thailand for the first time and have to be there. Yeah I liked it, my Djing started from there.

What music do you play?
Hip Hop, RnB, Commercial, Deep House, all kinds of music.
What got you interested in DJing?
I was a bartender before and saw the dj and thought it was cool, it is interesting to be a dj so I’m lucky and still love to do this job.

How did you learn?
The DJ from the bar I worked in taught me.

What’s it like to DJ at Drop In Bar in Haad Rin?
I like it because it started the Full Moon party! I like to see the people and I can control them, all over the beach the dancing.

What do you hope to achieve in the next few years as a DJ?
Maybe I will go to Dubai again to make my job better.

What do you enjoy about Phangan in your free time?
Just chilling on the beach and downloading new music.

And leave us with your Music Philosophy...
My music is different from others, it’s special songs, no one can guess what the next song will be, I am full of surprises.

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