Information for the Female Solo Goddess Traveller on Koh Phangan


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Time for the girlies….

Do you want to come to Koh Phangan as a solo female? Don’t be put off at all!

As with any place, country or trip there are some things you will need to think about and take into consideration but travelling on your own can sometimes be more rewarding than going in a group, especially for a girl.

It is a great way to teach you about yourself and can make you stronger and more independant, learning about what you are interested in and how you handle different situations, not relying on anyone else apart from yourself can be truly liberating and an opportunity to meet new and interesting people away from the confines of other people and their influences.

You will have an amazing time coming to Koh Phangan as a solo female, you can experience the vast nature, beautiful waterfalls, get involved with different activities and party and still make friends all in one place.

You do need to think about safety though, let’s get this boring yet extremely important part out of the way first.

Safety really is key, you do not want any mishaps to ruin your journey so make safety your number one priority so that you can relax and enjoy yourself knowing that you have taken some measures to protect yourself.

You will need to be prepared for different customs, mostly in Thailand it is to cover up your skin. Now Koh Phangan is a little different from the rest of Thailand, it’s more relaxed but please still be considerate. The bikini is ok for the beach but wear clothes whilst shopping and definitely whilst visiting temples on the island as there will be monks around and these are Buddhist areas.

Avoid beaches alone at night as none of these are monitored for your safety, it may be ok to go with a group of mates if you meet some and Haad Rin beach is different during Full Moon as it’s packed but there are some eerily quiet ones.

In terms of accommodation you may want to keep your privacy by getting a private room so look for one with a lock on the door and a reception which is open for long hours. If you want to meet people however then staying in one of the many hostels of the island is perfect for this!

You can have the ultimate backpacker experience by staying somewhere like Blue Dream Hostel or Ban Tai Backpackers in one of their dorms, you can choose from four bed dorms or up to twenty bed dorms depending on how many people you can deal with living and sleeping around but you will for sure meet some interesting people if you do this!

Try not to bring valubles, you shouldn’t need to anyway although we do understand bringing a laptop, camera or tablet so you can keep in touch with people and plan your adventures by looking at of course but there’s probably no need to bring great granny’s old earrings or other precious sentimental belongings. Use safes and stash your cash when you are out and about, bras and bikinis usually have a kind of ‘secret pocket’ where the padding may go so this is a good hiding place.

Being a solo female traveller gives you more opportunities to meet people and sample some of the local culture. The thai people are more likely to speak to you on your own rather than being surrounded by rowdy friends so try to start conversation with people.

Being on your own also means that you won’t spend ages deciding what to do with your day as others may have conflicting ideas, you can grab opportunities at the drop of a hat or change your plans if you find something better to do or just want to relax, this really helps when you start to meet other travellers who have some fun ideas that you didn’t think of, there’s no need to check with other people.

Now everyone’s got needs right, some of the hot guys may take your fancy and we are not going to tell you not to go out on a date with them, in fact we are more likely to encourage it but only in the right context.

Make sure you go somewhere public or stay and hang at the pool at your hostel, don’t get wasted on buckets and end up straight in bed with them, they may be having a game and totting up their scores of women and being the independant lady that you are, you do not just want to be some guys ‘number fifteen’.

There are some genuinely cool and nice guy travellers out there so just use your common sense and don’t place yourself in any sticky situations.

Be prepared for questions from people from different cultures about why you are on your own or if you are married etc. These questions are mostly just out of curiosity rather than to annoy or get information from you, different cultures may find it strange that you are alone but just explain that you like travelling solo and you find it liberating. If you have any kind of worry about this then just say that your boyfriend or husband is waiting somewhere else.

If you find that you’re missing some female companionship then as we’ve currently said, hostels are a really good place for this, most girls are really approachable and you may find another solo females that you can buddy up with.

There are activities all over the island where you can meet like minded gals such as Charm Beach Resort when they host their ‘Clothes and Cocktails’ party and dance and yoga classes.

Join in with Roxy’s Dancehall class to meet some sassy females and shake your booty or enrol in some therapeutic yoga.

You will certainly fall in love with the island, maybe more so if you come alone and don’t be worried about being lonely as there’s everything you need here and more with some wonderful magical beings for you to meet along the way.

So enjoy your own feminine ways, travel solo and learn more about yourself alone on Koh Phangan than you could of ever imagined!