The restaurant sitting at the front of the resort right on the beach next to the water line.
Eiu was always famous for her delicious dishes, from the Thai cuisines to various types of Western food. It was for many years the main place for gathering and for hanging out enjoying breakfasts to dinners.
This one is a Koh Phangan legend.

As everyone here knows, when you have enjoyed Koh Phangan for a while, the lazy boredom starts to kick in. You don’t anymore want to go elephant trekking or temple tours. You had breakfast, lunch or dinner in most of the restaurants, you have been on all the beaches and you have attended all the party’s again … and again...

Now is the time for finding that special place where you feel at home. Places to your friends to hang out with you, where food and drinks are easily accessible. Pillows... Lots of pillows and chilling spots spread around, just for lying around, reading, talking or enjoying whatever relaxing hobby you might have. You are spoiled after some time here, so it HAS to be soothing for the eyes and preferably close to water, pool or beach! For the evenings maybe even a television or a DVD player.
Yeeeaa … we all found that with Liberty and Eiu. She became everyone’s new mama, taking care of all your needs with a big smile and a talent for cooking that people would travel around the whole island just to taste!! .. Bungalows for good money, restaurant, bar, bike rental, laundry mama, kitchen chef and all you could ever want!
And.. then .. she .. left .. No more Liberty ….
Ooooh... Where were we to go for our tasty meals...? Our Hang out... Our Bungalow...
And time past … and we never found a real substitute... we missed her!
She became a Koh Phangan subject... What happened to Eiu? Will she never cook for us again? Memories of good times in her space started to be legends... and we missed her even more…

1 happy day... there is a rumor... Eiu found new place... She will make a new Liberty! Gossip in the small “farang” village about when and where and how…

And we waited … with a smile … cause we knew what we waited for...
And 2day … again... we have Eiu back on Full Power...!
New start in beautiful surroundings as only Eiu can do it... Happy cooked Eiu food and bungalows, restaurant and bike rental...

Yeeaa... We will never ask for more … our Eiu is back!