Gorgeous Guys & Gals Looking for Home
2 black boys, 2 black girls and 1 brown girl.
All beautiful and fun!
Long term resident Racqel from Sri Thanu has been looking after them, feeding and housing them..
- but she will be leaving to England sometime soon and is desperately looking for homes for them.
The mother is owned but the famiily are showing no interest in the puppies.
There will be noone to care for them after Racquel has left (maybe 1 but 5???).
If anybody can help please call Racqel on 089-884-1121.
Frida & Freedom - 2 kitties looking for re-homing !
These two sweeties were found by Phangan Animal Care (PAC) after their mum was poisoned.
The two orphans are now in our care but they are now old enough to be re-homed and settle happily with someone who would love them and give them a safe haven.
(we are only visitors to the island).
We named them Frida (girl) and Freedom (boy) and they are very attached to one another so it would be cruel to separate them now.
They are still dependant on human attention and care, although they are becoming more independent and keen to explore, especially Frida.
They both know how to use the litter box, they are just a bit clumsy sometimes when using the sand to clean after themselves.
They spend most of the time playing with each other and any willing humans, sleeping under the fridge and eating.
As they were malnourished when found, they feel they have a lot to make up for in the food department but they are doing much better now.
PAC would take care of their vaccinations and sterilization so you don’t need to worry about the medical aspect.
All you need is a little space in your life and heart for these two adorable animals.
They will be grateful for it!
We don’t have a phone so please contact us on e-mail: [email protected]
Thank you!
Frida & Freedom and Leo & Ursa