♡ღ ツ ✿ Sawadeeeee Koh Phangan ♡ღ ツ ✿

Let me introduce myself.
My name is Lee Persson, I’m a Swedish young woman at the age of 29.
I’ve been living on Koh Phangan on and off 3 times. I started backpacking in 2009 and I ended my trip with a visit at Koh Phangan 2010 when I was doing Yoga.
Of course I fell in love with the beautiful island and the only thing I wanted was to go back.
I returned in January 2013 and in October I decided that it was time for me to become a full time local in the Sri Thanu area.
I went home to Malmö, Sweden and I sold everything I had, took the little thing I had and moved to Koh Phangan for good. Or so I thought....
Now I’m in the progress of moving from Thailand to Mexico. Another big step in life.
Follow me on my journey trough something we call living the life to the fullest.
♥ ♫ ♪ ✿ ♡ღ ツ
Long time no see Phanganistas!
Like always I barely know where to start. 2014 have been one of the craziest years in my life so far. In both good and bad.
I had a wonderful month on Phangan and I came back to Sweden for couple of months to save up some money, organize my life a bit and plan my next move. I don’t stay in one place for a very long time. Maybe you have noticed that by now.

I don’t really see myself as a “vacationer” any longer since I stay in one place for a longer period of time. I like to get to know the people living at the different places I visit, I like to know their culture, the nature and landscape etc. Not just be a “farang” or “gringo” or what ever you would like to call the tourists that are staying for a week or 2 and then go home. I think it’s just about dedication and that you are actually are respectful to the people living there, and trying your best even if you are just on “vacation”. And it’s about learning things about yourself, keeping your mind open.
After a lot of thinking and planning I decided to leave the beautiful island Koh Phangan for Isla Mujeres, Mexico. Again. It was a hard decision since I really love the jungle life in Thailand, the spiritual side of Phangan and the balance with the nice electronic parties. Not to mention their absolut yummi pool paradises there;

But hopefully I made the right choice.
If not, it’s always an experience and I hopefully learn a lot from it. But it has been one of my dreams since 2009 when I visited the island for the first time, to move here. And when my mind is set on something, I do everything to make it happen. And look at me now. People, everything is possible with a little bit of dedication and work! And don’t forget to manifest what you want, but be careful WHEN you want it to happen! It might take a month, a year or more, as long as you never give up.
When I was home in Sweden I decided that learning Spanish would be the best thing for me to do if I wanted to stay for a longer period of time in Mexico. Knowing another language is always good, even if it’s difficult and it takes time. And to be honest, it can be a struggle. Google translate is my best friend at the moment. But I’m learning slowly, slowly. I’m trying my best, even if ADD can be a pain in my ass sometimes. And if you want to stay somewhere and work, knowing the culture a bit better, knowing the language is the best way to start! Many people doesn’t speak English so good, so it can be hard sometimes. Since I got thrown out from Mexico once before, I was very very nervous that they wouldn’t let me enter again. But, I’m here now and I love being back again. I got a really nice little apartment on the middle of the island with an amazing view over the sea to Cancun. On the other side I have the view over the Caribbean sea. I can’t complain at all. My life is just amazing!

It has been a little bit slow since high season is not really here yet. Everyone is waiting until Christmas and new years is over, and then BOOM the streets are going to be filled with people again. I’m still trying to settle down, have a place to feel “at home”. Because I haven’t felt home in a very long time and I’m pretty tired to go half way around the world couple if times a year and never have a real place to call home. I do have my apartment in Sweden, my little “BAT CAVE” as I call it. It’s a bit exhausting going from one place to another, adjusting where ever you are, the people, the culture and all the systems/laws etc. .... : !!! ;) :

Now I’m just trying to get to know the new people on the island, keeping myself busy doing art, studying, advertising myself for my massage etc. I found a good massage table on the island and I already have massage clients lining up. It’s moving forward and I am very positive about 2015. In every way you can imagine.
My friend Diego who is Peruvian but lives in my town Malmö in Sweden, is here visiting. His girlfriend is coming on Monday, also from Malmö. At the same day I also get a visit from a new friend of mine. To be honest – I haven’t been looking forward to a Monday that much in a very long time. He is very sweet Argentinean man, that I met in Malmö as well. I met really great people this year and I made some great connections. Some were lost, some forgotten and some are on the other side of the world. But, I learned from them all.

Christmas is just 5 days away and hopefully we will take a little small vacation in Mexico. Probably to Merida and Mexico City for New Years Eve.
I also made another egg donation when I arrived here. My third one. I will write a different post about that story because it’s a bit crazy!

Until then, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Happy New Year!
Peace and Love to everyone.
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To be continued….
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Stay tuned for more…. the adventure continues ...
♥ ♫ ♪ ✿ ♡ღ ツ Good Luck ♥ ♫ ♪ ✿ ♡ღ ツ
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ MUCH LOVE to you all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Lee's adventures continues ♥ ♫ ♪ ✿ ♡ღ ツ follow her further on Phanganist.com!