Become like Family with Kob and Kay at Kobra Muay Thai Gym


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Kobra Gym on the island of Koh Phangan has now been running for nine years and is run by Kob and his family.

Phanganist spent an afternoon at Kobra Gym and met with Kob and some of his students, the one thing that everyone agrees on is that you become one of the family. 

Kob and his wife Kay will welcome you in and make you feel at home…

Why did you decide to open a Muay Thai Gym Kob?
It is Thailand, the Thai people’s culture. The same like the English have football.

And when did you become interested in it?
From when I was born I saw my Father and Uncle fight all around. I had my first fight when I was nine years old, I only won sixty Baht but I was so happy!

So you still fight?
I fight up North and on Koh Phangan plus just once in Bangkok, I have had about one hundred and sixty fights.

I am not so good, not the best but I can kick your ass!!!

Do you enjoy training at your gym?
Yes the first thing is I like to have more friends, from all around the world and to make people happy.

Muay Thai is for protection and exercise and I have many people that are already family, they come one year then the next year.

And when do you hold fights at Kobra?
We have fights here once a month after Full Moon and in high season we may have two or three a month when there are more customers.

What do you hope for the future of Kobra Gym?
Right now I am forty six years old, maybe in five years or so my son will take over but for now we will continue to focus on quality. Quality first and then everyone knows.

And do you have a life philosophy?
Ha-ha I will let my wife answer that one…

Phanganist then talks to Kay who has been sat with us the whole time, she spends time talking to the students like a friend or Mother even…

So Kay what would you say that your and Kob’s life philosophy is?
We have only one life, I wanted to do something where I felt freedom. To have a good time and stay with my family that’s my goal, and to have peace.

Kay moved to Koh Phangan from her native city of Bangkok;

‘Life in Bangkok, I felt tired and had no time with Kob, no time at all.

Everything I want is here, my family and friends and the freedom. Now I have friends from all around the world, I don’t need a big house or car, just to have a good time’.

Some wise words from the lovely Kay. Thank you so much to Kob and his family for our time spent getting to know you all, we wish you the best in everything you do and will see you soon.

Kobra Gym really is how it is described. It is not too full with students that you can get to personally know Kob and his family which will help you feel comfortable if it’s your first try at Muay Thai. Go give it a go yourself!

Real Estate Board

Category: Land for sale
Type: Chanote
Size: 1.07 Rai
Cost: 7500000 THB
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Size: 295 sqm
Cost: 11500000 THB
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Type: NorSor3
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Cost: 4M THB per Rai.
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Type: Chanote
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