What happens if a Coronavirus vaccine is not found?



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Despite the efforts of the scientific world to find a vaccine for the coronavirus, experts warn that such a vaccine will not be found in the foreseeable future.

"We cannot make an absolute assumption that a vaccine will be found, and if found, will it pass all efficacy and safety tests"

The entire scientific world is in a tremendous race for developing a vaccine that will eliminate the deadly virus that threatens the entire world.

Many countries are hopeful that the labs that work around the clock to find the vulnerability of the virus will find it. But there is another possibility, the worst-case scenario - that a vaccine will never be developed, or at least not in the foreseeable future. What would our life look like without a corona vaccine?

Many politicians and heads of state promise that they will soon find a vaccine for the virus, but many experts are far less optimistic. The reason; This has happened before, several times. "There are some viruses that we do not yet have vaccines against," Dr. David Navarro told CNN.

Navarro, a professor of world health at the Imperial College of London, serves as a special envoy to the World Health Organization in the treatment of the coronavirus. And if found, he will pass all the efficiency and safety tests.

For example, in 1984, US Secretary of Health Margaret Heckler announced at a press conference about the identification of a severe virus, and predicted that the vaccine would be ready for testing in just two years.

Nearly four decades and some 32 million deaths later, the world is still waiting for a vaccine. The reason, by the way, is the speed of which the virus changes. Like that virus, Heckler announced, there are other unvaccinated diseases, such as dengue fever that infects up to 400,000 people a year, according to the World Health Organization.

The serious concern is that if the development of the vaccine for Corona is equally complex, the virus may remain with us for many more years. Or then, instead of suppressing the virus, we would have to learn to live with it and just live in Corona routine.

Medical treatments may develop - but the outbreak of the disease can still occur every year, and the number of dead will continue to rise.

Navarro said that if a vaccine is not developed, our lives will be different from those we knew, and things will not go back to normal quickly, if at all.

"It's important to work on being prepared for Corona." He, calling it a "new social contract," in which the citizens of the world simultaneously manage their lives, take personal responsibility for isolation in the event of experiencing symptoms or coming in contact with a Corona patient.

For example, a cough or a cold will make employees stay home by themselves and social remoteness will become the new form of communication. Another effect is changing the way of working to remote work as a permanent solution. Businesses will have to adapt to reality, not fill their offices unnecessarily. In addition, corona testing and monitoring of patients will become an integral part of our lives, even in the long run.

Dr. Peter Hotz, dean of the School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College in Houston, explained that "if there is minimal contagion, it may be possible to open sporting events or other large gatherings," he added, "but every step and every decision is taken by government and public health agencies."

Hotz added that the peak of infection occurs in winter, and that every winter the guidelines and restrictions to the public may be repeated, in order to prevent infection and recurrence. "Occasionally there will be outbreaks, and traffic will be restricted. This may apply to certain areas of the country, or even to an entire country."

Although some brains are pessimistic, most experts prefer to look optimistically and confident that COVID-19 vaccine will eventually be developed, in part because unlike previous diseases such as malaria and HIV, it does not change rapidly. In any case, previous viruses and outbreaks are insufficient to draw conclusions, and the results of the pursuit of the vaccine are still unclear.