Reasons to Join a Beach Clean Up on Koh Phangan!



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Trash, litter and plastic are becoming more and more of a problem on Koh Phangan and around the world! Especially here where we have the beautiful clear ocean and soft sands of the beaches along with its indigenous wildlife, keeping the nature free of waste is truly important.

Most people’s reasons for going to the beach include to relax and forget about stressful everyday life. To swim in clear water whilst the hot sun sizzles on your skin, in a location from your dreams, one of true paradise.

But these paradise locations are becoming less so, and why, well because of us!

This doesn’t go for everyone and we are really very lucky here on the island as the vast majority of locals, long term and frequent visitors, expats and business owners are conscious of the need to ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’, to keep Koh Phangan looking and feeling as amazing and magical as it always has.

However, the beaches do get littered, full of plastic and glass bottles, debris left from visitors and those hell bent plastic straws!

There is some educating that needs to be done but we’re not going to go into who it is doing this or who’s fault it is, we just want to inspire you to get involved and clean up some beaches whether on your own or with a group!

The main Reason to join a beach clean would be that it will help protect the wildlife and us but there are some other reasons you may like to think about…

Yes you can get some exercise whilst doing something good and easy, walking up and down the beach, bending over and even skipping along in the joyous knowledge you are doing something good for the world!

The beach breeze and ocean waves can be very relaxing, lots of people pay lots of money for this kind of thing!

Top up your golden tan at the same time, remember to wear sunscreen though!

You won’t be swimming in a garbage can
By cleaning the beach you can be more assured that when you swim in the sea you won’t be swimming amongst loads of s**t basically.

Exfoliate your feet
All that wandering collecting rubbish on the beach will do wonders for your feet if you do it barefoot, sand is a natural exfoliators so no need for the beauty salon!

Involvement in your community
Enjoy the wonderful sense of community that comes with beach cleaning in a group! You will make new friends with shared interests and know that you are doing something good for your area.

The Next Generation
You’ll be making the beach an amazing place for children to go and play without getting hurt, cut etc. The next generation are important and so if they see you doing this it may even inspire them to do it as well.

Finally, you will be saving the lives of countless animals, plays and marine life from getting caught in the plastic and debris, thus making Koh Phangan still a beautiful place to be.