KP Gems with Leo - Nong View Restaurant


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It is always a good sign when you see the locals eating in a restaurant. This is definitely the case for one of our very favourite Thai restaurants ‘Nong View’ in Baan Kai, we know it is very popular among us expats, local Thai people and tourists too.

We went to visit owner Yemsee along with Leo, and as always there are people eating amongst the gorgeous smells and enjoying what we believe to be some of the island’s best, most authentic Thai food.

Nong View has always been in the same location for its 24 years of business yet it did start off slightly smaller and as the years went on it grew larger with them. The restaurant now has a generous seating area as well as a VIP room used for dining and local meetings.

Yemsee is original Koh Phangan and was born here, it was a natural decision to open a restaurant from her love of cooking this wonderful food.

You are probably the number one favourite restaurant amongst Thai people here, why do you think this is?
Because our food is original Koh Phangan!

Yemsee what is your personal favourite dish?
Fried spicy shrimp and saton (a type of large bean)

If we were you we’d try Yemsee’s recommendation next time at Nong View!

The menu consists of about 150 different dishes, that is a lot however unlike other places typically with a vast menu you can be sure that each is delicious and beautifully made in its Southern Thai style tradition.

As of 5pm each day Nong View now have a BBQ with fresh fish such as squid, prawns, fish and crab. All are cooked by Yemsee and her skilled staff and live up to the already famous reputation of all other dishes.

Nong View is a Phanganist favourite and should be one of yours too!


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