Elena Coconut Mama

Business owner

I really like the traditional coconut ice cream but I just wanted to invent a healthier version. I see it like a traditional product of Thailand that wasn’t invented. All of the ingredients are already here, it can be a signature product of Thailand. Of course I like deserts as most girls do, ice cream is the one I like the most. I have been vegetarian for nine years now, and try to eat vegan. The dairy ice cream is not as good quality here in Thailand as the dairy is not natural because obviously they don’t have as good dairy source as countries in the western world, they have to use powdered milk. So the main ingredient of the product is not fresh. I like to eat as much natural and whole foods as I can and I enjoy the taste of coconut milk which is a tradition in Thailand however their traditional coconut ice cream still has these unnatural dairy products in them. So I looked into brands of coconut ice cream that are popular in the west, and of course they import the coconut milk from Thailand so why not do it here? I like to make things from scratch and give my children the best products I can and I want to have the best ingredients in the ice cream that I make and work very hard to get the consistency rich, melting and smooth. I use all natural ingredients, only coconut sugar, not refined sugar.