Run Tattoo - Part of Triangle Ink


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Run Tattoo - a part of Triangle Ink <3

Arun is the super sweet tattoo master who owns Run Tattoo by the Centerpoint in Tong Sala.


Arun has been making tattoos for many years and the shop in Tong Sala is also not his first.

When we first met Run three years back he was running another shop, also in Tong Sala, with an old friend of his.

Since then both of them had moved to another space in Hing Kong.

Not so long ago, we went to visit the two of them there and made an interview with his friend 'Man' about their new, very special Triangle Tattoo “hobbit house” in Hing Kong, not far from One Love Bar and very close to Free Way Bar on the beach road towards Sri Thanu.

Arun and Man have been working together for a long time and in the first interview with Man we introduced the idea of Thailand’s original old times “magical” Holy tattoos.

Arun has opened a second shop in Tong Sala as an extension of the Hing Kong Triangle Shop and also to give space to even more styles and artforms.

The guys realise that there is a big demand for tattoo artists on the island and also for the original spiritual tattoos that they were so blessed to be able to offer since Man went through all the proper education to become the Holy Tattoo artist that he is today.

That left a lot of room for other artforms and other customers with different wishes for body decoration. Unfortunately not enough physical room, so they decided to open a second shop in Tong Sala to be able to help other customers with their wishes.

Arun’s shop works both as a walk-in shop for their Triangle Tattoo in Hing Kong and as a proper tattoo shop for all tattoo styles and is open for guest artists to come and share their art style here on Phangan!


His idea is to bring different guest artists, from all over the world or just from around Thailand to create and make their kind of tattoo style from his place.


This way the shop will have a changing line of tattoo artists all the time and it is possible to really go deep in to many styles of tattoo art and the shop can work as a small bubble where artists can connect and compare tattoos and styles from all over the world!!

We will try to keep updating for you, so you can go have a look when there are new artists in!!

This will be a very nice space for comparing, connecting and learning!!

Arun himself has before been to Nepal for the tattoo convention there and is hoping to go again this spring.

Of course I had to get a tattoo from Run also ;) and I was very impressed. Only five hours for this beautiful detailed mandala work;

Which he of course he drew himself for me especially ;) !!

Yeay Thank you Run! You’r the Snitz !! <3

Very smooth and very sweet. I am – of course – a chicken, and the last hour was not so easy for me, but Run is so nice and makes it all over fast!

It was all in all a pleasant experience to get tattooed by Run!


The 120 BPM tracks in the background, the Bangkok Guest artists on the couch chatting with my friend, the ever so sweet doggie friend that I have known a few years already and also the vaque fragrance of incense in the room with a light smoke hoovering above the beautiful temple alter on the side with holy sculptures and depictions of various spirits or deities.

A Calming atmosphere in sweet company.

Right now, Run’s guest artists are from France, Austria and a couple from Bangkok too!


The current visiting Bangkok artist have special skills within the horror genre and of course we needed a small taste of that too. Jens, the viking was happy to bring a leg into the game;

Arun also makes amazing handmade jewelry!

He has a nice collection on exhibition in his shop also.

If you are feeling like you want to have a tattoo, we surely recommend to visit Run for a chat. Any style is possible and if you are thinking about Holy Tattoos, you are more than welcome to pass by to make a time for a chat with the Man in Hing Kong any time!

Welcome to Run Tattoo Shop in Tong Sala!!



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