♡ღ ツ ✿ Sawadeeeee Koh Phangan ♡ღ ツ ✿

Let me introduce myself;
My name is Lee Persson and I’m a full timer Koh Phanganer since October 10.
I’m a Swedish young woman at the age of 28.
I have been living here on and off in 2 separate times before.
First time I visited this island was during a backpacking trip I had in 2010 in South East Asia.
I started my backpacking in 2009.
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Egg donation.
Every month when a woman is having her period, she is loosing a lot of eggs.
They just go to waste. Why not take those eggs and give them to someone who needs them more than you?
Someone who will be able to have a child because of you and will be (hopefully) more happy because of you?
Isn’t this a wonderful thing that you can do to someone if you are able to?
I’m not saying it’s an easy thing to do, but why not help someone if you can?
And get paid for it and have a free vacation as a bonus?
My brain have been over active for the last 2 weeks and it’s hard for me to put down everything in words, because it’s mostly feelings that I want to describe. I noticed that it’s very hard for me to write during the hormonal treatment too, but it’s very easy to get some reading done, which is great! But normally it’s the opposite.
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So, this is how it all started.
When I studied to become an English teacher in Koh Samui, Thailand, there was an American girl in my class that I studied with.
She have travelled for years and I wondered how she got an income during travelling since she didn’t really work.
- Interesting, tell me moooore…. And that’s where it all started.

I was one of them who heard about egg donations, but I never knew how it all worked out, like many others.
So I’m going to try to tell you guys everything I know about it.
(Might not be so interesting for all the men)
The only request I had was that I wanted to be able to have my own children in the future. That was all.
And you can! You are not suppose to be over 31 because your eggs start to loose it’s quality after 30, and if you are thinking about kids in the future, this is a good age to stop.
So the age for donations is between 18-31 years old. After she told me all about how it worked, I started to Google different kinds of clinics around the world. Included the one that she donated for.
Mostly in USA because that’s where they pay the most amount of money, they have the best clinics and I can understand them more than well.
I don’t want to end up in a hospital bed in India or some other place without any organs ha-ha.
USA also have FDA regulations and many clinics don’t accept Europeans if you’re not a US citizen.
And apparently there was a blood decease in the 80’s and they didn’t allowed European donors from the 80’s. But, not every clinic is like this. Many clinics DO accept you, and many of them send you to a paradise island somewhere in the world for the donation. Or to California.

I got my first reply from a clinic in Cancun, Mexico. Since I’ve been there before, this was an amazing opportunity for me to go back to Isla Mujeres and deal with everything that I left back in 2009.
I signed up and it’s a big process, but since I had the time during travelling for sitting online and write a lot, so this was ok for me. It’s almost like a dating site.
They make you your own profile with pictures of you as an adult and as a child. Answer questions about hobbies, personality and medical history in the family etc. (some stuff is really hard to answer)
And of course you need to have a healthy lifestyle with no drugs, Cigarettes or a lot of alcohol.
But that’s no problem for me..
After that is done, you just have to wait until a parent chooses you. And when that happens, that’s when the fun starts.
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They flew me in from Thailand to stay for 16 days...
During that time I will have to take hormone shots in my stomach every day and go for a check up at the clinic to check the size of the eggs, if they are growing correctly about every second day.
During the hormonal treatment, I felt normal. The only main problem I had, was that my stomach got a bit swollen because of the hormone treatment that I was having. It’s like being on your period but 10 times worse.
I got a bit emotional and confused about feelings from time to time too.
But in general, this is something that you barely notice.
Some people that I talk to that have done donations before, don’t feel any change at all.
So it’s very different from every woman.
I experienced with a lot of that hormonal energy that you are going through when you do this kind of things, and I noticed that I did/said stuff to/with some people that I would never do in my daily life, if my ”mind was clear”.
I feel good and the main problem was that I mostly just got horny all the time. There you go. That’s the main issue. Yes, really super horny and on fire.
And of course, the only thing you are not allowed to have during the treatment is sex.

No sex for about 12 days. Which is not fair at all. But how hard can it be? FULL OF HORMONES! The risk of becoming pregnant when you are on your hormones is very very big, so it’s a big NO NO!
A big risk, which is stupid.
But I can be stupid sometimes too because I broke that promise the last time I was here in August with ”Mr Arizona”. Totally worth it. Ha-ha. But I didn’t do it again. It was driving me a bit insane too because all the men here looks really good. Like they are photoshopped and came out from a magazine and I can’t do anything with anyone. I guess that the Universe was testing me??
You do feel ”moody” after the whole procedure is done. Angry, upset and still on fire.
But that’s when the hormones is leaving your body.
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When I visited Chiang Mai couple of months ago, an old friend from back home contacted me about being on Swedish Radio (P3).
The Radio contacted me and wanted to make an interview with me about egg donation.
I gladly said yes and we had a 50 min Skype talk.
He edited till 13 minutes but I’m sorry to tell everyone that the interview is in Swedish.
But for all of you Swedes who is reading this, here is the link:
Lee Persson, 28 years from Malmo, claims to have been born in the wrong country.
One day she decided to leave to on adventures!
She resigned from her job, broke up with her boyfriend and just left.
Right now she lives in Thailand.
Lee living as a yoga teacher, English teacher, massage therapist - and EGG DONAR, donating eggs from her body to couples who want children.
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Stay tuned for more…. Chapter 9 and the egg donation goes on ...
♥ ♫ ♪ ✿ ♡ღ ツ Good Luck ♥ ♫ ♪ ✿ ♡ღ ツ
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ MUCH LOVE to you all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Lee's adventures continues ♥ ♫ ♪ ✿ ♡ღ ツ follow her further on Phanganist.com!