Underwater Haircut )))

Name: Oliver Ehrat
D.O.B.: 7. October 1973
Country: Switzerland.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Alien Hair dresser/stylist
Transformation Location: The 10th Year Anniversary Jungle Experience Festival January 14, 2014
Are you on vacation or do you live in Koh Phangan? For how long? How did you come to know about the island?
I'm on vacation here, it's a short trip, just three weeks. The first time I visited the island was nine years ago. I fell in love immediately with the people, the parties, and the lifestyle. I came here by mistake. I just visited Thailand because it was warm and sunny and a friend told me to go see the island. God bless him!!!
What are your thoughts on Koh Phangan? Has your experience here been inspiring in any way? How so?
This Island changed my life! This specific visit was a kind of a spiritual travel to myself that I left open to possibilities, unplanned, and it was just happening; a full Koh Phangan island experience. In the end, I stayed for five months. I lifted the Sp Resort spirit during my stay and became part of the family of the owners! Their atmosphere is so warm and friendly! I met so many good people there; it's truly a magical place! Some of the people I met on the resort are still my close friends to this day even though they live on the other side of this little blue ball called planet earth.
When, where, and how did you meet the Alien Sistars? Did you contact them or did they contact you to be alienized?
I think I'm a native born alien.

When and where did you get transformed into an alien? What is your opinion of the location? Would you return?
We met at Sp Resort in Ban Tai, a place which proves the magic of Phangan is still working! That Alien sisters infected me immediately with the Phangan creativity virus. I just love it! I transformed with them at the Jungle Experience the following day, and Sramanora Waterfall Party, then a biker event in Donsak the day after. It's my third time on the island but this time it really got me! It inspired me so much I will change my life and move to Koh Phangan!

In the Sistars interview, they explain that when body painting they are transferring positive alien data into the skin of human beings. Did you feel any symptoms from their data transfer? If so, what are they?
Hell yeah there are symptoms...I'm kind of feeling happy...happy... happier everyday!

Did the alien transformation have any effect on your natural human behavior?
Maybe...they suggested I quit my job back home to live and work with them on the island where I can fully unleash my alien hair-styling skills...I understood the information and did the suggestion. Data transfer successful...Beep.

Did your new alien super powers make you feel differently than you normally would have without them? What effects did they have on those around you as you were walking through the crowd?
My new alien superpower made it possible for me to transform myself back into that thing that I already was a long time ago. After I met the sistars, I switched my super power button back on, which upon activation made me able to change everything around me including my friends, my family, and now even my cats are glowing in the dark!

Was your experience memorable or special in any way? How so?
It's kind of memorable if you meet some people that can motivate you to...well, JUST change everything in your life around AND move to the opposite side of the world in order to do creative work with two creative minds (like the sisters have) for that amazing party organization called the Jungle Experience Festival.

Would you be willing to have them transform you into an alien again? Has the experience inspired you in any way? How so?
I think next time I'll be using my new alien superpower to change the sisters' hair...and for sure their lives too..
Sorry, I have to go now! My spaceship is ready and the countdown is running...9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...ready for take off???...
Everybody is invited to join us! come to Phangan and enjoy the journey...