Rebirth Workshop and Philosophy with Andrea Polyák

12 Feb 2021

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Unlimited You. A Rebirthing Journey

Gain awareness of negative thought patterns and use breath work to release unhelpful beliefs.
Learn the techniques to help you move beyond blockages into a place of emotional healing and transformation, as you emerge the conscious creator of your life.


While we may know intuitively that our mind has enormous creative potential through the power of the subconscious, in our daily lives we often layer over this potential our emotional wounds, traumas, and negative belief systems which hinder us from manifesting according to our deepest desires. Often these obstacles are formed from patterns established in early childhood, which we are poorly equipped to recognize and transcend. In fact, it is frequently the case that we have almost no conscious awareness of these patterns at all.

Rebirthing is a process whereby we work through our patterns using both theory and practical techniques in sessions.
If you have been applying yourself to positive personal development without success, you may begin to blame various factors for your reoccurring failures: lack of insight or intelligence, not being worthy enough, not wanting it enough, or maybe even that fate is stacked against you. However, the real reason you have not already attained what you desire is because you are keeping yourself in a vibration holding pattern that does not match the vibration of your desire. That is the only reason – ever! In other words you are holding on to limiting thoughts. As long you hold on to limiting thoughts you resist beauty, expansion, well-being, joy, and what you truly wish for at the soul level.

The rebirthing methodology seeks to bring us face-to-face with our challenges, and to unravel the repetitive negative patterns in our lives, most of which we adopted into our “emotional blueprint” in the developing years of our early childhood. Becoming conscious of these patterns and the energetic connection between childhood and the adult self is the first step to making changes.

Become the Conscious Creator

The workshop will present two phases of approach: first, the necessary awareness drawn from triggering the mind and emotional body, becoming aware of our limiting thoughts, and activating self-destructive or unhelpful patterns. Next practical techniques and breath work are incorporated into the process. Andrea is then able to bring forth the supporting energy and trance-like group atmosphere which profoundly support opened and expanded states. In those states, it is possible to understand whole chains of events, the sequencing of emotional wounds and dysfunction, and the integral nature of the being, providing participants with the ability to grasp the basis for emotional healing and to enable their own transformation.

We teach you how to resolve the challenges in life through Rebirthing.

Most of our challenges are rooted in prenatal development and in the experiences we were exposed to during labor and birth.
We are not aware of the fact, how much the quality of our life is  under the influence of the experiences from this period of time and how much it governs our  thinking and the ability of making decisions, cooperation and collaboration, relations and relationships, creativity, sexual life/sexuality, success and career.
The Rebirthing system  highlights the repetitive patterns in our life, unlocking and undoing these sometimes complex structures. In most cases the reason behind these kinds of issues (repetitive problems) is  an emotional make-up/blueprint that was experienced and imprinted during prenatal time, labor, birth and early childhood.

Accordingly after only a couple of rebirthing sessions  a fundamental change is begun, and usually within  1O rebirthing sessions  most of the traumas rooted in birth are eradicated.
Clearing our own birth experiences supports us in a preparation of conscious family planning and giving birth in a harmonious way. The reason for this is that by healing our “birth-trauma,” we are able to create our own way of living, loving and birthing instead of being simply passed on the family karma.
Becoming conscious of the energetic connection between prenatal or early childhood experiences and repetitive patterns in current life is the first step in making this change.

The transformation is almost immediately noticeable as:
- a better physical health.
- changes in relationships for the better.
- increased self confidence, determination, power.
- dissolution of repetitive situations.
- more success and creativity.
- conscious awareness.

Andrea Polyak has been a rebirthing practitioner for more than ten years and a coach for the last five. She is embracing methodologies which facilitate mental and emotional purification. She is guided in her work by an exceptional level of intuition and uses her analytical disposition to support clients in realizing how mental patterns are created by emotional experience. During therapeutic sessions, Andrea uses her background in transpersonal psychology to understand the underlying issues, combining methods to illuminate the connections between thoughts and emotional experiences, and ultimately to release disempowering patterns.

Training history:
2000-2003: Parapsychology studies, Mantra College
2002-2004: Transpersonal Psychology and Breath work Institute, Hungary(Budapest)
2011: Rebirthing Breath work Training, India (Bombay)
2011: Rebirthing Breath work Professional Training, USA (Virginia)
2012: Rebirthing Breath work Professional Training, USA (Virginia)
2013: Rebirthing Breath work Professional Training, Germany (Bonn)
2013: Liberation Breathing: Loving Relationships Training, Hungary (Budapest)
2014: Liberation Breathing: Advanced Training, Hungary (Budapest)

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Feedback from Rebirthing Workshop and Training  - Koh Phangan November 2012:

"This workshop has been an unbelievable gift for me. It is challenging to express in words just how perfect this process was, but I shall give it a go!

I have been aware for many years that I needed to "deal" with certain things in my life; events, traumas, emotions and patterns of behavior which were preventing me from being happy and healthy.  I have been ill since I was 12 (now 30) and although I have made a massive amount of progress in the last 5 years I was still essentially running the same, self-destructive patterns and living with a high level of anxiety and fear.

This rebirthing workshop was so much more than the sum of its parts. The "so called" seminars, the rebirthing (breathing) sessions, the fires, the bathing etc. The truth is, every single little thing that went on during and surrounding the workshop was divine perfection; a catalyst to transform something in myself.  Perfectly designed to dredge up ("trigger")  all the old derelicts of the subconscious to be put out. This meant that the process was extremely uncomfortable and painful at times but the beautiful thing about the workshop is it really provides the tools and support to transform and release these things for good and go free.

Some of the things that came up for me I was previously aware of (some "dealt" with, some not) but many were remarkable revelations.  It’s been incredible to discover that starting from pre-birth you form ideas about the world and you continue to play these out for a lifetime or until you are liberated from them. Seeing my patterns and understanding their root cause allowed me to understand and forgive myself and others and to energetically and emotionally release them. And replace them with positive beliefs about myself and the universe.

Another beautiful thing about this process is that the trainers are also going through their own processes during the workshop and in honestly sharing their experiences and being human they create a space for growth and deep bonding and support within the group.

I feel like a different person after the workshop. I genuinely feel like the universe is a different place and that ANYTHING is possible! Thank you does not even begin to cover it, but thank you, ho!!! Jai!!!"

Eve 2012

"The Rebirthing workshop was the most amazing roller-coaster ride, with ecstatic moments of bliss and moments deeply challenging old traumas and belief patterns.
There is no doubt that Rebirthing is very transformational work. The 5 days workshop/retreat I did was even more so, because of the intuitive professional guidance of the 3 facilitators: Andrea, Leesa and Andrew.
It was clear to me that these 3 facilitators live the work they do. Their heartfelt joy for this powerful work shines through, for the benefit of all of us.
Of all the self-help work I have done Rebirthing is far and away the best. I cannot recommend it and Leesa, Andrea and Andrew highly enough."

2012. Edward Matthews, U.K.

"I have just finished the first of the two 5 day workshops....and I am in absolute awe of the power & depth of this healing!! In 5 days I have gone deeply into my core issues...those patterns I keep repeating & keep getting in the way of me being truly happy, healthy & prosperous....some of these patterns & beliefs & unconscious responses I was already aware were running my life....others have been revelations...but I have never come across anything that can so beautifully, quickly & effectively bring up to the surface & most importantly release these things...allowing me to instead replace these destructive habits with positive & constructive beliefs about life & myself...I recommend it for EVERYONE...who does not want to happy, healthy & prosperous!???!!! It is the greatest gift you could ever give to yourself and you deserve it!!!!"

2012. Ruth, U.K.

"I was surprised how deep this rebirth process took me. It unearthed forgotten and suppressed issues, emotional lock-downs, and aided me to recognize, confront and finally release these concerns.
Whilst no therapeutic technique on its own is, nor can be a panacea to all ills, I found this particular method illuminating and ultimately beneficial on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
Andrea provides a professional and caring approach, combining competency and support.
The experience leads me without hesitation to recommend both her and this healing means of self discovery and ultimately a return to wholeness."

John N Jones, 2011.

"I am so grateful about my rebirthing with Andrea. During the rebirthing session I found the key I was looking for, for such a long time.
It opened me a totally new possibility of going through my life.
This experience was truly life-changing for me. Andrea helped me through the process in a very kind and soothing way. I felt absolutely secure and well supported.

Thank you for that amazing experience! Big hug and lots of loooove".

Andrea (Switzerland), 2011.

"When I first heard about rebirthing/transformational breath work, I thought "no thanks - I don't know what that is - it sounds weird, and if I'm honest, it sounds terrifying!". So I avoided it. It was only because two friends of mine spoke of such positive effects they had got from their sessions with Andrea that I finally decided to give it a go. Wow-am I glad I did!

The sessions I spent with Andrea were so profound. From conversations I've had with others who have seen her, it seems I can't tell you what will happen in your session, as Andrea tailors the session entirely to your needs.
I broke through some huge barriers and difficulties I was holding on to, and Andrea encouraged me to really use my creativity to re-wire my brain and my heart.
I know now, exactly why I was resistant to it in the first place. It is challenging, there is nowhere to hide, but why would you want to? Life is so much more beautiful if you let yourself be seen.
Take it from an English cynic who just wanted to laugh at stuff like this, that it is worth a try. Give yourself to the process whole-heartedly and you'll get out of it what you put in. I highly recommend you take a session with Andrea. I felt so safe, so treasured, so held by her. I am definitely a lighter person because of it. What have you got to lose ?"

Suzy, Mai, 2012. U.K.

"I visited my birth in my first session with Andrea and could feel the hospital room and the energy of the people there, I also sensed some beings who were present at my birth, it seems my soul was not happy to come here but after the session it felt more comfortable. The following session induced some visions of myself visiting some Mayan temples deep in the jungle and a sense that I should go traveling. In the last session I felt a lot of emotion for this current reality, it helped me to release some deep layers of supressed energy.

I highly recommend a transformational breathing session with Andrea, whether it be rebirthing, self healing or vision questing.
This is the most powerful natural way to reach deep states of consciousness."

Jony, Mai, 2012. U.K.

"For me this work has truly been the greatest gift! It has been so powerful that I feel a heavy veil of illusion, through which I have perceived my life so far, has been lifted. I have been able to release emotional pain and patterns that I have lived with for so long I thought they were me! It has been a deep and profound joy to discover that these pains are actually great spiritual gifts, allowing me great insight into my life and the purpose of it."

Ruth, 2012. U.K.

"I thought I had done rebirthing before but the ones I did with Andrea were very unique. I believed I`m not very open to let go and surrender to such guidance. But it went so smoothly like magic. I still had my unstoppable mind working but it was just observing while the rest of my being went into this sliding ride, first with some pressure and shaking, then closing and expanding into light in pure bliss. On my second sessions with Andrea I really felt the whole birth process and it was pretty fast. And the real effects came later in following days, as a generally easy going feeling and acceptance of what is. Thank you Andrea."

Aykut, August, 2012.

"I have experimented with many alternative healing therapies all of which had little effect upon me and was therefore skeptical prior to meeting with Andrea for a 'Rebirthing' session. However i was blown away by how powerful and rewarding 'Rebirthing' proved to be. Andrea safely guided me into an alternate state enabling me to relieve a lot of physical and emotional stress from within. After our first session I felt an inner peace and weight off my shoulders and eagerly signed up for a few more sessions which further stripped away anxieties and stresses that had accumulated inside of me over many years. I highly reccommend to everyone to give this a try for yourself and feel the benefits, it is a really positive experience and Andrea is very competent."

Liam, Okctober, 2012. U.K.

"The Rebirthing workshop was the most amazing roller-coaster ride, with ecstatic moments of bliss and moments deeply challenging old traumas and belief patterns.
There is no doubt that Rebirthing is very transformational work. The 5 days workshop/retreat I did was even more so, because of the intuitive professional guidance of the 3 facilitators: Andrea, Leesa and Andrew.
It was clear to me that these 3 facilitators live the work they do. Their heartfelt joy for this powerful work shines through, for the benefit of all of us.
Of all the self-help work I have done Rebirthing is far and away the best. I cannot recommend it and Leesa, Andrea and Andrew highly enough."

2012. Edward Matthews, U.K.

"I have just finished the first of the two 5 day workshops....and I am in absolute awe of the power & depth of this healing!! In 5 days I have gone deeply into my core issues...those patterns I keep repeating & keep getting in the way of me being truly happy, healthy & prosperous....some of these patterns & beliefs & unconscious responses I was already aware were running my life....others have been revelations...but I have never come across anything that can so beautifully, quickly & effectively bring up to the surface & most importantly release these things...allowing me to instead replace these destructive habits with positive & constructive beliefs about life & myself...I recommend it for EVERYONE...who does not want to happy, healthy & prosperous!???!!! It is the greatest gift you could ever give to yourself and you deserve it!!!!"

2012. Ruth, U.K.

"I participated in Andrea's Rebirthing Workshop and I am amazed by her work. I had done group sessions before and even worked with the breathing technique by myself, but I never got that deep than with her. By Andrea intuitively asking the right questions at the right time and by holding the space in a loving way, I was finally able to completely surrender to the process and emotionally release everything I usually keep holding back. Andrea does a wonderful job in tapping into the potential of the subconscious mind. During the rebirthing sessions with her, I was not only able to gain new insights into my belief system and heal old wounds but also catch a glimpse of altered states of consciousness. I am really grateful for all those experiences."

Melanie. 2015

"The rebirthing sessions with Andrea were amazing. They helped me connect and release deep emotions from childhood and cry after years of not crying.
Andrea was there to guide me through the process with the right questions and affirmations, providing a safe environment in which I can tap into my deepest emotions, let them go and construct a more positive perspective."



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