Charity event - HARP BAR Phangan - Movember Movement


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15 Jan 20:42

Koh Phangan

Charity @ Harps Bar in November!

October raises women's health and breast cancer awareness through everything pink and girly.

But recently, men's health advocates have taken to a campaign with a look that's more burly.

Welcome to 'Movember.'

Also known as 'No Shave November'

'The ribbon for men's health is the mustache'

Just as the pink ribbon has become an icon for breast cancer awareness campaigns, the mustache -- or 'mo' as it's nicknamed from the European spelling of 'moustache'-- has become an icon for men's health awareness, including prostate and testicular cancer, as well as overall health.

The Movember campaign says lack of awareness and understanding about the health issues men face; lack of open discussion and stigma surrounding physical and mental health; risky behaviors and inaction are among the challenges.

Friday Nov. 29 HARP BAR in Tongsala hosted an awareness / charity event for men's health.

Sing a Song for charity was a big hit, and many residents along with tourists had a roundabout on the stage!

Watch the Harp Bar Charity Event Video :)

Thank you HARP BAR for your awareness event and may your beards grow long and famous !!

Much like with breast cancer and women, there are thousands of men living with prostate or testicular cancer who don't know it because they refuse to go to the doctor because they don't think they need to.

This was a reminder for everyone to tell the men in your life to get checked out. We all know someone who has lost their life to cancer, but most cancers can be prevented.'


13 Mustache Muses

(Author's picks)

  1. Actor Tom Selleck

  2. Character Ron Burgundy of ‘Anchor Man'

  3. Frontiersman Wyatt Earp

  4. Genghis Khan of the Mongol Empire

  5. Gandalf, ‘Lord of the Rings,' ‘The Hobbit'

  6. Mr. T, ‘The A-Team'

  7. Dick Dastardly, various Hanna-Barbera animated series

  8. Juan Valdez, fictional advertisement character for the National Federation of Coffee

  9. Growers of Colombia

  10. Musician Frank Zappa

  11. Boris Badenov, ‘Rocky & Bullwinkle' shows

  12. Yosemite Sam, ‘Looney Tunes'

  13. Comedian Groucho Marx


❤ 유  ♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ❤ 유  ♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ❤ 유  ♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ❤ 유  ♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ❤ 유  ♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ❤ 유  ♥  


 - in loving memory of Alex Beet  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ❤ 유  ♥  ♫ ♪  ✿  ♡ღ  ❤ 유  ♥