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Have you been to Phaeng Waterfall?
One could say that Phangan is not the best place to go chasing waterfalls, but a few months a year just after the rainy season it is not the worst place either...
Very close to Thong Sala not far from the Police station towards Chaloklum, a very convenient distance from my house, is Phaeng Waterfalls.
It has always been one of the best places to go nature hippy’ing. Especially in low season, where the waterfall mostly only has a few visitors at the time and sometimes none at all so it is all yours alone for a while.
High season has another quality, the simple fact that high season comes after rainy season!
The nature there is freaking gorgeous!
It is a proper nature park with jungle tracks up the mountain along the waterfall, through the jungle to a breathtaking viewpoint. The treks can lead you all the way over to Kao Ra which is the tallest mountain on the island if you are up for longer nature time!!
For the more adventurous and athletic, you can climb up alongside the waterfalls on the rocks which is a sweet thrill. Plus you have the bonus of running in to all the rock pools on the way up, that you’ll miss if you do the jungle tracks.
But caution is a good idea. The rocks are slippery and the side becomes pretty steep some metres up! With that said; go for it! It’s full fun!!
I really wanted to climb up this way for the photo there, but I quickly understood the limits to my athletic powers with a shoulder bag and a Ipad for camera in my hand. Whoop, have to be careful!
Although it may be a good idea in the end. It is still 'unknown' territory for new visitors and always more exciting when you don’t know what to expect. Right?!
I thought the same about the viewpoint. No (view)point in going aaaall the way up there for a photo, when it is just a spoiler anyway. I will lead you the way but keep the mystery of the waterfall and jungle for you to explore! Yes?
Definitely not because I was out of breath already by thirty metres up or because I brought a friend with a hangover to deal with ( Blame it on someone else ).
Here you will find that it is a bit like an enchanted forest. The roots make the stairs, it looks like they go up and into a freaky kind of forest, with jungle veins and giant plants hanging all around you, twirling and moving when you pass.
Smaller plants wrap around other larger plants or trees. Green, brown and yellow hues. Funny twisted branches that meander over each other and between each other. From one tree to another, from flower to flower and plant to plant. All are twisted together to form a large mass which is the jungle.
And in the middle of that, the sound of the waterfall, wooshing through and over the rocks, sometimes with the feeling that the water is in a hurry. Rushing towards the lake in the bottom to become one with the pool.
Who knows, maybe all the little water molecules meet there and have their annual family gathering and everyone is in a hurry to get there to be able to enjoy the company of the family as long as possible.
In the summertime the fall is gently woppling down the rocks. The power behind the water from high season is off. Someone closed the tap. There is no hurry to get anywhere.
The water is clear without the mud from the rushing waters and the pools are sweet and warmer. The jungle seems calmer in low season.
The biggest swimming pool is just when you enter. A nice big pool for proper swimming and a small bridge out in the water. This is a beautiful spot for a prober swim, especially because you have probably just been on a longer walk up the first waterfall you saw when you entered the area.
Yes because this is a cool waterfall! This is the coolest one, when you look at it. A Proper one that falls from the mountain tip and all the way straight down in a cascade of water at the bottom.
Wow, you think. I am going there! And so you do. And so you can. But eeeh, it's further than you think and a harder splash that first anticipated. Not for the soft footed but also not for the big booted. But amazing! Full power in high season. A proper waterfall coming down on you!
– and when you finally get over there, you most surely are in need of a real cool splash off. It is the thought of going back that is killing you, unless you of course know, as you do now, that there will be other pools waiting for you after your sweaty retreat from the amazing giant tall and splashing fall.
In between the pools and the falls on the tracks, the park rangers have kindly set up nature chill spots.
Bring a hammock, put it up next to a rock arrangement. Bring a book, a pot of tea, a blanket, mosquito coils and lots of snacks and spend a few hours chilling after your waterfall adventure. It is a full day experience, you can go alone or with friends.
I go for the serenity when I go alone. I spend a day in nature, swimming, trekking, chilling, reading, meditating. I go for the adventure and climb up all the rocks when I go with friends. And I go for my special spots and pools when I find that special one I bring for twosomeness ..
I love the high season's water and the low season's peace. I adore the convenience of the location.
Once again, I must conclude, I am one lucky snitz! – and so can all of you be too.
One way to feel lucky is spending a day at Phaeng.