You know you’ve been converted now, at first it may of seemed a strange idea to wash yourself with water instead of tissue after going to the toilet but now you understand it’s actually more hygienic!
But did you know that the brilliant bum gun has more uses than just cleaning your rear end? Well it does! Of course you need to make sure that your bum gun is kept clean but then you can use it for other things as well.

Here’s our ideas -
Washing the floor
Once you’ve given your bathroom floor a good scrub you can then spray it with the bum gun. Now we’re not condoning the use of water wastage but it almost acts like a pressure washer!
Spray after every shower to keep it clean.
Cleaning paint brushes
Bry0 and Christopher Thomas discovered that the bum gun was a great tool for cleaning paint brushes whilst painting murals in Haad Rin. Use a bucket first but to get all remaining paint off, give them a wash with the gun after.
It will also clean rollers which are noticeably hard to wash and also for cleaning paint from your face.

Clean the toilet
Kind of an obvious one but the bum gun is great for rinsing off the toilet after a clean. In fact you can spray your whole bathroom...
Get sand off your stuff
The bum gun is great for getting sand off your flip flops and sunglasses after a day at the beach.
It also can work as a curry stain remover on t shirts if you act quickly!

Try some target practice whilst in the shower, line up shower gel bottles on the side or bath, aim and shoot!
The bum gun will help clean shampoo off dogs (or other pets!) quickly and effectively, we all know they don’t like to be in the shower for very long.

Guarding against unwanted intruders i.e. mosquitoes and spiders!
If you have any more then let us know! Long live the Brilliant Bum Gun!!!