Chapter 3
You Have Wings of Mighty Eagles
One day I found myself feeling depressed and
confused. As a businessman, I was not used
to staying in one place for more than two
weeks at a time and now I was suddenly a
student of inner wisdom. I was not used to
the silence of simplicity and nature. My
girlfriend back home wanted me closer to her
and not on a spiritual retreat in China. She
didn’t understand the change I was going
through and thought it very unexpected.
I explained to her that it was not unexpected
but something that I had needed for a long
time. I told her that I couldn’t continue with
my mind and heart tormented all the time and
urged her to be patient with me as it was best
for both of us if I were, on my return, a more
happy and relaxed person and that I was lucky
to have found such a great teacher.
On my next meeting with Li Yin he sensed
the confusion in my mind and I told him
about my conversation with my girlfriend.
He responded by saying, “Rise up, rise up.
You have an enormous power. You have
wings, wings of mighty eagles. Don’t deny
them lest they deny you. Ask for them and
you will find them immediately.”
If we over appreciate wise men
The rest will start to think of themselves
As unwise
And the Tao far away.
If every day we see TV advertisements, We
begin to think that without the new car,
Cereal, Nike, Sony Playstation, Coca
Cola, CD Player, Pizza Hut and fast
Internet, Our life is meagre and in great
suffering. The Master empties the seekers
of their Ignorance,
And wisdom comes automatically.
He helps them understand
The difference between
Desire, want and essential need.
The Master helps weaken
Disturbing desires and Automatically feelings of lack disappear.
When we want less, we lack less.
When one is like a butterfly,
One can see that the whole world Is full with flowers and honeydew,
Free of charge.
Does a butterfly think?
Like the moon and the planets
That get their light from the sun
We all get our light from
The same source,
The Tao.