Phanganist’s Linda is off on a European adventure at the moment and she wants to tell all of you Phangan family about a cool place you can stay if you are travelling near Putlitz in the East German countryside.
We all know that some of our key community members travel to Europe during the summer for festival season and this site is right near the VOOV festival location.

The Blue House is camping that our friend Tanja and her boyfriend made out of old camper vans. It is super sweet made with small terraces in front of every wagon.
Lotta and her partner have both spent plenty of time on Koh Phangan and also lived in Goa for fifteen years so the whole place has a nice traveller vibe yet still being very comfortable and unique at the same time.

The best thing there is that everything is open, open for negation.
If you want meals included or not, if you wanna bring your own van and just have a space. Whatever you might think of.
You can also work for your stay there. They have a giant garden that all the time needs to be taken care of for example.
They have indoor rooms also and it is super sweetly artistically made.

They have indoor activities, like many dart games, pool and snooker tables, an internet room, television room, chilling area, party or music area, construction art area and what ever you can think of actually including a fireplace for the colder evenings.
You can even ask manager Tanja to cook you a meal if you’re just passing. Just call before and she will have it ready for you on your way through, everything is negotiable!

So if you are travelling to Berlin for festivals or just fancy a nice holiday in the German countryside with still a bit of the Phangan hippy vibe feel to it then The Blue House is fully recommended!
Contact The Blue House here.