Anuttara Wellness & Healing
“Abdominal Organ Detox & Prana Massage” Course:
Learn how to give an "Abdominal Massage" on others and yourself in a 5 day’s course at Koh Phangan.
-Suitable for beginners and body workers.
Why Abdominal Organ Detox Massage?
During life our inner channels (nadies/meridians) get clogged and blocked witch make it difficult for our organs to eliminate waste products and also diffcult to absorb nourishment, PRANA. This make us feel sick, at unease, problems with the digestion, pains, stiffness, lack of vitality, and negative emotions get stuck in our organs.
A way to clear this states are “Abdominal Organ Detox & Prana Massage”, using techniques to clear the channels in our body and deeper work to release tangels and knots.
The original name of this Massage therapy is: "Chi-Nei-Tsang" witch is Chinese and the meaning is "Chi" = Prana or Life Force "Nei-Tsang" = inner organs, equal Chi-Nei-Tsang mean "Inner Organs Life Force". This sounds quite promising, as a living human most of us want “Life Force” in our inner organs :)

In the course will we study and practice techniques for our mayor Organ systems: Skin, Diaphragm, Intestine, Colon, Liver, Pancreas, Gallbladder, Spleen, Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, enteric nervous system (abdominal brain) and also specific techniques to release the Psoas muscle (when Psoas is tensed do we suffer from sciatic + lower back pains).
There will be lectures about al mentioned organs and what emotions that are associated with the organs.
This 5-day’s course will able you to give a whole sequence of “Abdominal Organ Detox & Prana Massage”.
The course will also contain how you can cultivate your own Prana and get your own energy mowing. How to take care of your own health as a Healer.
You will also learn how to do advanced abdominal organ massage on your self.
We will do daily meditations upon the organs, witch support us in understanding the energy of the organs and to purify our self’s.
Participants: This course will be just a small group, maximum 3 students.
Time: Class houses is: 9-12 and 17-19 (we can easy adjust this times, so that it suits the group)
Price: 8800 Bath.
EARLY BIRD PRICE, pay before Friday 4. of April and you get the course for 8000 Bath.
About the course holder:
Anna Anuttara Pihlgren:
I have studied and practicing “Abdominal Organ Detox & Prana Massage” for 5 years with Mantak Chia, Jutta Kellenberger & Remco. I have worked in various Healing and Detox Centers.
I am a Medical Nurse and been study Tantric Yoga for 14 years, and in my mind have I integrated this different linages of understanding the universe, our bodies and healing processes. 2013 did I study Therapeutic Yoga, during this education did Tantric Yoga, Abdominal Organ Massage and Nursing go up in a higher unit, and I have developed my own style of consulting, giving Abdominal Organ Massage and giving health advice to my “students” (clients).
I am looking forwards to share my golden nuggets with you, Anna :)

Want to know more?
For more information please call: (0066) 084–528-4672
Welcome; Anna ☀
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Have a Healthy Stay on Phangan!!