Kizomba Night Class & Social

2 Apr 19:00


Kizomba Night is back in Koh Phangan!
Each week a new theme & combo to improve your dancing skills both as a leader and a follower!
Weekly Schedule

7.00pm - UrbanKiz Beginner with Théo

8.00pm - UrbanKiz Improver with Théo & Aleksandra

9 -11.30pm: Kiz' Social (UrbanKiz, Tarraxo, Guetto Zouk, Douceur..)
Dim light, cozy intimate atmosphere to connect with dance partners, to gain confidence, secure and confirm the last steps/combo you have just learnt.
Energy exchange:
300bath (drop in) : Class + social
150 bath only social from 9pm
Our safe and open space:
This event is meant to help you improve your connection skills and enjoy the magic of Kizomba

See you on the connection floor!

More Info