
3 Apr 10:00

The Jade Temple

What do we need to do in our bodies to become available for what is alive under the surface? Where can we soften? Where can we open?
How can we let our bodies know that they’re not alone? What do we need to do with our awareness, our attention, so that our bodies can trust us again?

Fluentbody is a combination of movement and somatic therapy
that helps people to be generous to their body and mind.
We take a journey through movement, connecting and feeling, to explore the intricacies of our stories. Connecting conscious and unconscious movement, We uncover delicate, pleasurable and powerful movements, without self judgment.
We open doors to new places, awakening physical sensations, which can also work on an emotional level.
This class could help you navigate through feeling tired and heavy, feeling disconnected from your body or too much in your head, feeling blocked, suffering from chronic pain, or simply wanting to
learn, move and explore.

If you're a lover of dance, movement, meditation and/ or self exploration come join me and let the Fluentbody magic entice you

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Every Thursday 10-11.30 @ The Jade Temple
500 THB

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