Surrendered Liberation- A Tantric Journey of Unfurling

20 Jan 14:00

Liberating Love Collective

A heartfelt immersion for spiritual seekers longing for a communal embrace and a space to explore the mystery of human experience.

Full page here-

This retreat is for those who long for a deeper, slower-paced container where we can explore our relationship to our bodies, the earth and other beings with devotion, tenderness and authenticity.
For those who are tired of all the workshops and 101 classes and want a space to drop deep with an experienced group and embody what we know.
This journey aims to support you to explore what it is to live AS LOVE, rather than FOR LOVE, and to unfurl from survival patterns that restrict you from doing this.
To explore with an open heart and curious mind what it is to be a human on this Earth, part of something bigger than ‘Me’.
It's a retreat, a laboratory, a temple, a temporary tribe. A space where we'll slow down and feel, shed layers that are ready to shed and celebrate this wonderful wild existence together.
We'll be holding this experience as an emergent field with some structures and ideas planted, but a lot of space to flow with the aliveness of the group and what is needed most as we dive in together- to allow the group wisdom and creative genius to express through us as we surrender to life together.

Tribal Wounds & Belonging: An invitation into this collective wound that is part of our systemic trauma, the water that we don’t know we are swimming in. Find your own unique place within this disconnection of the earth community, find your place in the web of life.
Embodying Love in the Everyday: Learn to live from the heart, making love a devotional daily practice.
Authentic Expression: Who are we beyond our conditioning? How can we come into deeper connection with the truth of each moment?
Embodied Relating : Discovering the deeper alchemical process at play in our relating, and being with the transformative magic that can happen when we are present to that alchemy.
Relational Healing: Where are we holding fears, projections and trauma around relationship and love, and how can we bring so much compassion, attunement and presence that we can come into healing.
Somatic Trauma Resolution: Relational repair, regenerative somatic practices to awaken post traumatic growth.
Spiritual Awakening: Diving into the Tantric tradition's perspectives on Awakening to our infinite nature and its relationship to our unique personality and self.
The Power of Grace: Whether divine Grace is delivered in a way that feels good, or it's delivered as Fierce Grace, what is it that offers us the opportunity to become liberated?
Devotion Beyond Projections: Experience love beyond the personal, in its most expansive form.
Trance States & Goddess Worship: Enter altered states of consciousness, connecting with the fundamental life-force and power of creation
Deep Eros: What happens when we go slow enough to feel it all? Connecting to the sensual and erotic current of life beyond conditioned sexuality and feeling into the pulse of creation from deep within.
Integrated Expansion: Move beyond the chase for peak experiences, grounding in sustained, everyday joy.
Ecological Reverence: Align with the Great Turning, the shift towards a life-sustaining, Earth-honouring relationship with this planet.

Your Guides:
Luna Agneya, Ellie Wilde and Triss Tashi
Full bios on the website.

More Info