Mindful Breathing

23 Sep 15:15

Loyfa BetterLife

It is easy to take breathing for granted, because we don't have to think about it. And yet the breath is a powerful tool, which with a little guidance and awareness we can harness to improve every aspect of our daily lives! Come and learn more with our Mindful Breathing classes every Thursday during August from 3:15 to 4:15 pm.

As yogis have known for centuries, and as medical science is beginning to discover, the breath has amazing recuperative powers. At BetterLife our Mindful Breathing classes help you understand your own habitual breathing patterns. Our teachers will introduce simple and easy to use techniques which calm and revitalize your whole system. They will also teach you ways to incorporate mindful breathing into your everyday lives; to allow energy to flow freely in the body, to improve mood, sleep, energy levels and digestion.