The Art of Deconditioning - Rebirthing Fundamentals Retreat

5 Mar 09:00


Through various exercises, tantric rituals and ceremonies, and with the support of the Rebirthing Breathwork we enter into a field of trans-state, where we are shown our suppressed thoughts and emotions, the root cause of those, and with this acknowledgment of them, we have the choice to work through them, transform them.
Transformation means that we let go of anything that is less than our already perfect, radiant, loving, and lovable nature – and in so doing we become our best, most authentic version of ourselves.

Tools we offer during this Workshop:
* Transformational Breathwork
* Rebirthing
* Traditional Tantric Fire ceremony
* Conscious sharing circles,
* Emphatic space holding for one an other during the process
* Dinamic exercises for activating the body healing mechanism

Benefits of this Workshop:
* More awareness of one’s own thoughts
* More understanding of interpersonal dynamics
* Getting in touch with the Witness within
* De-stress, unblock emotional energy, reversed negative patterns
* Rejuvenation and better physical health
* Greater empathy with others and more compassion with oneself
* Acquiring tools to take home for continuing transformation

Detailed explanation:

The central topic of this program is to understand our core beliefs. Beliefs are thoughts, which through repetitive thinking were empowered so much, that they became the controller and foundation of our lifes.
We don’t need to think consciously those thoughts any longer, they became powerful and alive, and do use the power or our own mind. Sometimes against us, other times for us. The life we life, the quality of the connections and relationships we have, the way we earn our living – are all the manifestations of our own beliefs.
Deep within we are already our best version, we do own everything need to life a happy life. However, this potential within is covered up through social conditioning and childhood adaptations to stress, dysfunction, and trauma. Usually what we have to let go of are certain limiting beliefs based on past experiences, the emotions attached to those experiences, and the patterns (thoughts plus emotions) we have subsequently etched into the physical body as well and hold onto at a deep cellular level.
The root causes of limiting beliefs are based on some fundamental experiences related to painful events. In the Rebirthing realm we acknowledge at least 10 different areas, where humans get traumatized the most. Since the different areas are connected and interconnected, the impact of those beliefs can be detected in the other areas as well.

In other words the Art of Deconditioning program does help us to fully embody our best version.

5-9. March (Monday-Friday)
Daily schedule:
9-12 pm & 3.30-6.30 pm

The Workshop will take place in a Retreat format, in a beutiful, lakeside retreat center near by Tongsala, in SIAM HEALING CENTER

Accomodation in lakeside, AC buildings incl. breakfast are available as a package price. Both shared and single rooms are available.
CONTACT us to check the accomodation option before booking, as places are almost filled up!

* There is a possibility to book only the Workshop.
* USD 360 / THB 11.500,-

Detailed information and booking via